March 5, 2023 – Psalm 19

Lesson Date: March 5, 2023

Focal Scripture Passage: Psalm 19:1-14

AIM: To lead students to contrast what we can know about God through general revelation and through special revelation, and to encourage them to glorify God and desire His Word.


Before class: Read the notes on Psalm 19 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.  Locate a picture of a galaxy to bring to class (attached).  Write the word “Revelation” on the marker board or chalkboard.  Have enough copies of theGeneral and Special Revelationworksheet for your anticipated attendance, as well as some pens or pencils for those who might need one.


INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Tell the students to think of their spouse, a close friend, or some other loved one.  Ask: “How did you get to know that person?” (by spending time with them, talking with them, listening to them, looking at them, and doing things together).

Ask: “Have you ever seen God?” (no).  Tell the class we cannot sit and talk with God over a cup of coffee, we cannot look into His face to see His expressions, we cannot hear His voice, and we cannot spend time together sharing in some favorite activity like a hobby or game.  Ask: “How, then, can we learn anything about God?” (students will probably say through the Bible, nature, or by listening to the pastor’s sermons).

Direct the students’ attention to the word “Revelation” written on the board.  Ask: “What does the word revelation bring to your mind?” (probably the last book of the Bible).  Explain that the word revelation comes from the word “reveal,” and it simply means to disclose or make known something that was previously hidden.

Tell the students the only way we as finite humans can know anything about our infinite God is for Him to reveal things about Himself to us.  Tell them there are two ways God does this: through general revelation and special revelation.

Write the words “General” and “Special” below the word “Revelation” on the board.  Tell the class the title of today’s lesson is God’s Revelation.  As we study Psalm 19, we will learn how God reveals Himself through general revelation and special revelation.




  1. Review.
    • Ask: “What was last week’s lesson from Acts 27 and 28 about?” (Promises Kept – God kept His promises to the Apostle Paul, and He will keep His promises to us).
    • Be sure everyone present has a copy of the new Sunday School Member Quarterly for Spring 2023.
    • Give everyone a copy of theGeneral and Special Revelationworksheet (and a pen or pencil if needed).
  2. God’s General Revelation of Himself.
    • Ask a volunteer to read Psalm 19:1.
    • Ask: “What two things reveal something about God?” (the heavens and the firmament).
    • Explain the following:
      • The heavens include all the celestial bodies – the sun, moon, planets, comets, stars, and galaxies.
      • Most of what we see in the heavens is visible at night.
      • The word firmament literally means an expanse or something that has been spread out or stretched out.
      • It refers to the visible sky God has stretched out above us – the sun, blue sky, clouds, and rainbows.
      • Most of what we see in the firmament is visible during the day.
    • Ask: “According to verse 1, what can we learn about God in the heavens and the firmament?” (His glory and His creative skill).
    • Ask everyone to write this on their worksheet under General Revelation.
    • Tell the students that God’s glory and creativity are on display night and day: all the time.
    • Show the picture of the galaxy to the class.
    • Explain the following:
      • A galaxy is made up of billions of stars, solar systems, and planets.
      • Our entire solar system would look like no more than a speck on that picture.
      • The galaxy in this picture is just one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe.
      • We live on one tiny planet in one solar system that is part of one of those hundreds of billions of galaxies.
    • Ask: “What do this picture and other things we can see in outer space reveal about God?” (He is magnificently glorious, He is bigger and more powerful than we can imagine, He is perfect and orderly, and He is creative and artistic).
    • Ask everyone to write these things on their worksheet under General Revelation.
    • Read Psalm 19:2.
    • Explain the following:
      • The word uttereth in verse 2 literally means to pour forth or gush.
      • Speech and knowledge (revelation) is evident in the passing days and nights.
    • Ask: “What can we learn about God by observing the endless cycle of day and night?” (He is orderly, dependable, merciful to cause the sun to rise every day, and loving to provide us a time of rest).
    • Ask everyone to write these things on their worksheet under General Revelation.
    • Ask a volunteer to read Psalm 19:3-4.
    • Ask: “Is there any place on earth where people cannot behold God’s glory and handiwork in nature?” (no).
    • Ask everyone to write this on their worksheet under General Revelation.
    • Read Psalm 19:5-6.
    • Tell the class the sun is glorious, powerful, and touches all the earth.
    • Ask: “Can anything on earth hide from the sun’s heat?” (no).
    • Explain the following:
      • Even the coldest part of the arctic and the deepest part of the ocean are impacted by the heat of the sun.
      • Without the sun the earth would be frozen and lifeless.
      • God is gracious and good to give us the sun and its heat so life can thrive on earth.
    • Ask everyone to write this on their worksheet under General Revelation.
    • Review general revelation by explaining the following:
      • General revelation is seen through God’s creation.
      • It is available to every person on earth.
      • General revelation teaches us that there is a creator God who is infinitely bigger, more powerful, and holier than we are.
      • This is why atheists work so hard to convince people that the universe came about by chance: they don’t want people to realize there is a holy, powerful Creator behind it all.
    • Ask: “Does general revelation tell us about God’s laws and how we can have our sins forgiven?” (no; that is why we need special revelation).
    • Summarize: God reveals Himself through nature and the universe to everyone on earth. Creation shows everyone that God is powerful, orderly, perfect, and far superior to us.
  3. God’s Special Revelation of Himself.
    • Hold up your Bible in front of the class.
    • Explain the following:
      • God’s special revelation is found in the Bible.
      • General revelation is readily available to every person on earth.
      • Special revelation is only available to those who have access to the Bible.
      • That is why organizations like the Gideons try to give the Bible to everyone they can, and other organizations and missionaries work to translate it into every language.
    • Tell the students in verses 7-11 the Bible is referred to as God’s law, testimony, statutes, commandments, and judgments.
    • Ask a volunteer to read Psalm 19:7-11.
    • Ask: “How does verse 7 describe God’s law and what it does?” (it is perfect and it brings conversion).
    • Ask everyone to write this on their worksheet under Special Revelation.
    • Ask: “How does verse 7 describe God’s testimony and what it does?” (it is sure or certain and it brings wisdom).
    • Ask everyone to write this on their worksheet under Special Revelation.
    • Ask: “How does verse 8 describe God’s statutes and what they do?” (they are right and they bring us joy).
    • Ask everyone to write this on their worksheet under Special Revelation.
    • Ask: “How does verse 8 describe God’s commandment and what it does?” (it is pure and it brings enlightenment or understanding).
    • Ask everyone to write this on their worksheet under Special Revelation.
    • Note that the fear of the Lord (reverence, respect, and true commitment to God through faith in Jesus Christ – verse 9) births you into an everlasting relationship with Him.
    • Ask: “How does verse 9 describe God’s judgments?” (they are true and righteous).
    • Ask everyone to write this on their worksheet under Special Revelation.
    • Ask: “According to verse 10, how much should we desire God’s Word?” (more than riches or food).
    • Ask: “Do you have that kind of desire for the Bible?”
    • Ask: “What does verse 11 say the judgments of the Lord do for us?” (they warn us and teach us how to live under God’s blessings).
    • Ask everyone to write this on their worksheet under Special Revelation.
    • Review from the worksheet some of the things we learn through special revelation (the Bible).
    • Stress the fact that the only way we can learn about Jesus Christ and the salvation He provides is through the Bible (Rom. 10:17).
    • Summarize: God reveals Himself to us in the Bible, exposing our need for a Savior and how to come to Jesus for salvation.
  4. The Ultimate Value of God’s Special Revelation.
    • Read Psalm 19:12-14.
    • Explain the following:
      • It is human nature to justify ourselves, deny our mistakes, and hide our faults.
      • When we compare ourselves to others, we feel pretty good about ourselves.
      • When we read the Bible, however, we realize that we don’t measure up to God’s standard of perfection.
      • The Bible reveals our sin, causing us to ask God for cleansing.
    • Ask: “What did the psalmist (David) ask God in verse 13?” (to keep him from sin so he could live an upright life).
    • Explain the following:
      • Presumptuous sins are those sins we commit willfully because we think we are entitled or think we can get away with them (2 Sam. 11:2-4).
      • We need God’s help to keep us from sin.
      • Apart from God’s Word and His restraint we will fall under the dominion (slavery, bondage) of sin.
    • Ask: “Can you live an upright or innocent life apart from God?” (absolutely not).
    • Ask: “What did David ask God in verse 14?” (to clean up his mouth and his heart or mind).
    • Stress the fact that without God and His Word we will naturally have dirty minds and dirty mouths; that’s why our society is so wicked and corrupt: we have kicked God out.
    • Ask: “What did David call the Lord in verse 14?” (his strength and redeemer).
    • Tell the class there is no freedom from sin, no strength to live an upright life, and no redemption apart from the truths found in the Bible, God’s special revelation of Himself to mankind; this is the ultimate value of God’s Word.
    • Ask everyone to write this on their worksheet under Special Revelation.
    • Summarize: God’s special revelation of Himself to mankind through the Bible reveals our sin, keeps us from sin (Ps. 119:11), and leads us to faith in the Lord, our redeemer.


PERSONAL APPLICATION: Remind the students that the title of today’s lesson is God’s Revelation.  Ask: “What is general revelation?” (the things we can learn about God through nature and the universe).  Ask: “What kinds of things can we learn about God through general revelation?” (students can review by reading items off their worksheets).  Ask: “Who has access to general revelation?” (everyone on earth).

Ask: “What is special revelation?” (the things God reveals to us through His Word, the Bible).  Ask: “What kinds of things can we learn through special revelation?” (students can review by reading items off their worksheets).  Ask: “Who has access to special revelation?” (only those who read the Bible).

Show the picture of the galaxy again.  Ask: “Does God’s magnificent creation cause you to glorify Him?”  Tell them to ask God to help them see His handiwork in nature.

Hold up your Bible again.  Ask: “Do you have a desire and hunger for God’s Word?”  Tell them to ask God to give them that desire.

Ask: “Do you ever have any trouble with sin?”  Tell them to ask God to reveal their sins and keep them from sin.

Ask: “Do you ever think or say anything you shouldn’t?”  Tell them to ask God to make their words and thoughts acceptable to Him.

Voice a closing prayer, thanking God for His revelation of Himself to us, and asking Him to help us see His handiwork, desire His Word, and keep us from sin.


CONCLUSION: Ask everyone to memorize Psalm 19:1 and 14.  Tell them to be on the lookout for God’s glory in creation and to read the Bible every day.  The Daily Bible Reading Guide in the Sunday School Member Quarterly is a good place to start.

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