July 2, 2023 – Bible Doctrine 5 – The Person and Work of Jesus
Lesson Date: July 2, 2023
Focal Scripture Passage: Matthew 1:23; Luke 19:10; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 3:23-25; 5:8-9; 8:34; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 1:1-13; 4:14-15
AIM: To lead students to discover truths about who Jesus is and what He has done for us, and to give any who are not saved an opportunity to accept Him as Savior.
Before class: Read the chapters containing the focal passages several times during the week. Get enough copies of the Lesson Outline handout for your anticipated attendance.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Tell the students to imagine a family member, friend, or co-worker comes to them with some questions about Jesus. Ask them how they would answer the following questions:
- “Was Jesus really a human being, or did He just appear to be?”
- “Why do you believe that Jesus is God?”
- “Why did God allow His Son to die on the cross?”
- “What, if anything, is Jesus doing for us now?”
- “Why do you believe people must accept Jesus to be saved and go to heaven?”
After allowing time for some responses, tell the class that all those questions deal with Jesus’ identity (who He is) and His work (what He has done and is doing). Tell them people have many differing opinions about who Jesus is and what He has done. Tell them the most important issue, however, is not what we believe or what other people believe, but what the Bible says.
Tell the students the title of today’s lesson is The Person and Work of Jesus. Tell them as we examine several different Bible passages, we will discover four important truths about who Jesus is (His person) and what He has done for us (His work).
- Review.
- Remind the class that we are involved in a survey of Bible doctrine (the Bible’s teachings).
- Remind them that we have already studied lessons about the Bible and about God.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (What is God Like?; we learned that God is different from us in that He is holy, absolute, and unlimited).
- The HUMANITY of Jesus.
- Repeat the following question from the introduction: “Was Jesus really a human being, or did He just appear to be?”
- Ask everyone to turn to Hebrews 4, and then read Hebrews 4:14-15.
- Explain the following:
- In ancient Judaism, priests were men chosen by God to serve as “go-betweens” between man and Himself.
- As such, they brought sacrifices from sinful mankind before holy God.
- The book of Hebrews was written to Jews who had accepted Christ, so many Old Testament references and illustrations are included.
- In Hebrews 4:14, Jesus Christ is called our “great high priest.”
- Ask: “According to verse 15, was Jesus ever tempted to sin like we are?” (yes).
- Ask: “Did Jesus ever sin?” (no).
- Tell the students that Jesus was fully man, but He never sinned; He lived in human flesh like we do, and He was exposed to all the fleshly temptations we are, but Jesus never sinned.
- Tell the class that Dr. Jimmy Millikin, in his book Christian Doctrine for Everyman (p. 35), adds the following facts that show Jesus was fully human:
- He experienced mental, physical, religious, and social growth as a man (Luke 2:52).
- Like anyone in a physical body, Jesus experienced fatigue (John 4:6), sleep (Matt. 8:24), hunger (Matt. 21:18), thirst (John 19:28), and suffering (Matt. 27:27-31).
- Jesus also showed the emotions of compassion (Luke 7:13), weeping (Luke 19:41), anger and grief (Mark 3:5), joy (John 15:11), and sorrow (Matt. 26:37).
- Summarize: The Bible clearly declares the HUMANITY of Jesus, teaching that He was fully man; but unlike us, Jesus never sinned.
- The DEITY of Jesus.
- Repeat the following question from the introduction: “Why do you believe that Jesus is God?”
- Ask everyone to turn to Matthew 1, and then ask a volunteer to read Matthew 1:23.
- Ask: “Who does that verse say would bring forth a son?” (a virgin: a woman who had never known a man sexually).
- Tell the class the first fact that proves the DEITY of Jesus is that He was virgin born: He had no earthly human father.
- Ask everyone to turn to 1 Timothy 3, and then ask a volunteer to read 1 Timothy 3:16.
- Ask: “Who does that verse say was manifest in the flesh?” (God).
- Tell the class the second fact that proves the DEITY of Jesus is that He was God in human flesh.
- Ask everyone to turn to Hebrews 1, and then read Hebrews 1:1-3.
- Ask: “How does verse 2 describe Jesus?” (He is God’s Son, heir of all things, and creator of the universe).
- Tell the class verse 3 goes on to say that Jesus is the brightness of God’s glory and the express image of God’s person.
- Read Hebrews 1:4-7.
- Tell the class those verses again identify Jesus as God’s Son, and they tell us He is superior to the angels.
- Read Hebrews 1:8-13.
- Ask: “What did God the Father call His Son in verse 8?” (God; He also referred to Him as the king).
- Tell the students the remaining verses refer to Jesus as Lord and as Creator.
- Tell the class the third fact that proves the DEITY of Jesus is that He is God’s Son, heir, Creator, everlasting King, and He is God.
- Summarize: The Bible clearly declares the DEITY of Jesus, teaching that He was virgin born, God in human flesh, and He is the Son, heir, Creator, King, and God.
- Repeat the following question from the introduction: “Why did God allow His Son to die on the cross?”
- Ask everyone to turn to Luke 19, and then ask a volunteer to read Luke 19:10.
- Ask: “Why did Jesus come to earth?” (to seek and save the lost).
- Tell the class the first fact about the REDEMPTIVE WORK of Jesus is that His purpose is to seek and save the lost.
- Ask everyone to turn to Romans 3, and then read Romans 3:23-25.
- Ask: “According to verse 23, what is mankind’s problem?” (we are all sinners).
- Ask: “What did Jesus do about our sin problem?” (He justified us, redeemed us, and paid the penalty for our sin with His blood).
- Tell the class the second fact about the REDEMPTIVE WORK of Jesus is that He paid our sin penalty.
- Ask everyone to turn to Romans 5, and then ask a volunteer to read Romans 5:8-9.
- Ask: “What did Jesus do for us while we were still sinners?” (He died for us and justified us by His blood).
- Tell the class the third fact about the REDEMPTIVE WORK of Jesus is that He died to save us.
- Repeat the following question from the introduction: “What, if anything, is Jesus doing for us now?”
- Ask everyone to turn to Romans 8, and then read Romans 8:34.
- Tell the students that this verse says Jesus died, rose again, and ascended back to heaven.
- Ask: “Where is Jesus right now?” (at the right hand of His Father in heaven).
- Ask: “What is Jesus doing for us right now?” (making intercession for us).
- Tell the class the fourth fact about the REDEMPTIVE WORK of Jesus is that He intercedes for us.
- Summarize: The Bible clearly explains the REDEMPTIVE WORK of Jesus, teaching that He came to save us, He died to purchase our salvation with His blood, and He is interceding for us right now.
- Jesus is the ONLY WAY to God.
- Repeat the following question from the introduction: “Why do you believe people must accept Christ to be saved and go to heaven?”
- Ask everyone to turn to John 14, and then ask a volunteer to read John 14:6.
- Ask: “What did Jesus say about the various ways a person can come to God?” (He emphatically said there are not various ways, but there is only one way).
- Tell the class the first fact about Jesus being the ONLY WAY to God is simply that there is no other way but Jesus.
- Ask everyone to turn to Acts 4, and then read Acts 4:12.
- Ask: “What does that verse say about salvation?” (salvation is not available in any way other than through the name of Jesus).
- Tell the class the second fact about Jesus being the ONLY WAY to God is that salvation is available through no other name but Jesus.
- Summarize: The Bible emphatically states that Jesus is the ONLY WAY to God, teaching that there is no other way and no other name through which we can be saved.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Remind the students that the title of today’s lesson is The Person and Work of Jesus. Give each of them a copy of the Lesson Outline handout. Review the lesson by reading the main points from that outline:
The Person and Work of Jesus
The HUMANITY of Jesus
- Fully man, yet without sin – Hebrews 4:14-15
The DEITY of Jesus
- Virgin born – Matthew 1:23
- God in human flesh – 1 Timothy 3:16
- Son, Heir, Creator, King, God – Hebrews 1:1-13
- Jesus’ purpose – Luke 19:10
- Jesus paid our sin penalty – Romans 3:23-25
- Jesus died to save us – Romans 5:8-9
- Jesus intercedes for us – Romans 8:34
Jesus is the ONLY WAY to God
- No other way but Jesus – John 14:6
- No other name but Jesus – Acts 4:12
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes.
Ask: “Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord? Have you admitted to Him that you are a sinner, turned from your sins, and placed your faith and trust in Jesus and nothing else to save you?”
Say: “If you have, you should thank Jesus right now for coming to seek and save the lost, and for dying on the cross to purchase your salvation with His blood. Do that right now.”
Say: “If you haven’t ever repented of your sins and turned to Jesus for salvation, you should do that right now. He is ready and eager to save you.”
Allow a moment for silent prayer, and then voice a closing prayer of thanks and commitment.
CONCLUSION: Tell the students if any of them accepted Jesus just now, they should make that public at the end of this morning’s worship service. Tell everyone to keep the Lesson Outline handout in their Bibles so they can refer to it again later. Ask them to memorize John 14:6, and to look for opportunities to tell others about Jesus this week.
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