September 8, 2024 – Romans 1:18-32
Lesson Date: September 8, 2024
Focal Scripture Passage: Romans 1:18-32
AIM: To lead students to identify the four downward steps of man’s depravity, and to encourage them to repent of their sins and yield to God as the sovereign ruler of their lives and of the universe.
Before class: Read the notes on Romans 1:18-32 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Write the word “Steps” on the board.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct everyone’s attention to the word “Steps” written on the board. Ask: “What comes to mind when you think of steps?” (they probably think of climbing, going upstairs, how many steps they have walked today, or even the steps in a process such as following a recipe). Ask: “Do steps only go up?” (no, they also go down). Tell the following to the class:
Imagine for a moment that your house has steps that lead down to a windowless basement. When you open the door, the basement looks very dark. To overcome the darkness you flip on the light switch, only to discover that the light has burned out. The top step is very light, but each step down into that basement is darker than the last. When you reach the bottom, it is almost pitch dark. In that state of darkness you can’t see where to walk or what dangers might be in your path.
Ask: “Would you like to walk around in a dark basement, not knowing what you might step on or trip over?” (no). Tell the class the smartest thing to do would be to climb back up the steps toward the safety of the light.
Tell the students the title of today’s lesson is The Downward Steps of Depravity. Ask: “What does the word depravity mean?” Allow time for some responses, and then tell them that a dictionary defines depravity as, “the quality or state of being corrupt, evil, or perverted: the quality or state of being depraved.”[i] Tell them in today’s scripture passage, God reveals to us the four downward steps of man’s depravity.
- Review.
- Remind the class that we have just begun a six-month-long study of the New Testament book of Romans.
- Be sure everyone has a copy of the Fall 2024 Sunday School Member Quarterly.
- Direct their attention to the quarterly cover; through this study we will learn about Man’s Problem with sin and God’s Solution to that problem.
- Tell the class that the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the church at Rome while he was in Corinth during his Third Missionary Journey (locate Rome and Corinth on the Map of the New Testament World).
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (Are You Ashamed of the Gospel?; we learned that Paul was not ashamed of the Gospel, and we examined ourselves to determine if we are ashamed of it).
- Ask if any volunteer would recite last week’s memory verse (Rom. 1:16).
- Ask: “Have you had any opportunities to share the Gospel this week?” (allow time for responses, and celebrate those who shared the Gospel).
- God’s Revelation of Himself to Everyone.
- Direct everyone’s attention to Romans 1:17, and tell them that the righteousness of God is revealed through the Gospel.
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 1:18.
- Ask: “In contrast to the righteousness of God revealed through the Gospel, what is revealed from heaven?” (the wrath of God).
- Ask: “Toward whom is God’s wrath directed?” (ungodly and unrighteous people).
- Stress the fact that God hates sin and unrighteousness; in fact, Psalm 7:11 says, “God is angry with the wicked every day.”
- Ask: “What does verse 18 say that ungodly and unrighteous people do?” (hold down, suppress, and hinder the truth).
- Tell the class this is apparent in our modern world, which hates the Bible and the truth of the Gospel, and wants it eliminated.
- Read Romans 1:19-20.
- Tell the students these verses say that God has revealed Himself to the entire world.
- Ask: “How does God reveal Himself to everyone on earth?” (through His creation).
- Ask: “What does verse 20 say we can know about God simply by observing creation?” (His eternal and limitless power with which He created and sustains the universe, and His Godhead; in other words, His Divine nature – the fact that He is God).
- Ask: “How many people get the privilege of knowing these things?” (everyone on earth).
- Explain that these verses describe what we call general revelation, the things that everyone on earth can know about God without even reading the Bible.
- Ask: “What does the expression, ‘ignorance of the law is no excuse’ mean?” (being unaware of a law does not free us from the responsibility of obeying it or the consequences that come from breaking it).
- Ask: “What do the last two words of verse 20 reveal about sinful man’s responsibility before God?” (they are “without excuse”).
- Explain that because of God’s revelation of Himself in creation that is evident to everyone on earth, no one can claim they do not know God exists or is worthy of worship.
- Tell the students that Charles Haddon Spurgeon said it this way: “If they open their eyes, people who have never heard the Gospel can see God in His works. Enough is written on the face of nature to condemn people if they do not turn to God.”[ii]
- Summarize: God has revealed His eternal power and Divine nature to everyone on earth through the majesty and wonder of His magnificent creation. Anyone who rejects that truth is subject to God’s wrath.
- Depravity’s First Step: Refuse to Honor and Thank God.
- Tell the class that the rest of the chapter describes the four downward steps of depravity.
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 1:21.
- Ask: “What two things do those who can see God in creation refuse to do?” (they refuse to glorify, honor, or worship God, and they refuse to thank Him for all He’s done).
- Ask: “What happens when people refuse to glorify and thank God?” (their thoughts become vain, futile and worthless, and their hearts become darkened).
- Tell the class that just like walking down the steps into a dark basement, every step away from the light leads one farther and farther into the darkness.
- Explain that the first downward step into depravity is to refuse to honor and thank God.
- Read Romans 1:22-23.
- Ask: “According to verse 22, what happens when people refuse to honor and thank God?” (they think they are wise or enlightened, but they actually become fools).
- Tell the students that Psalm 14:1 says, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.”
- Ask: “According to verse 23, what do people who refuse to glorify and thank God worship?” (corruptible, perishing things, such as themselves, other people, and other creatures).
- Summarize: The first downward step of depravity is refusing to honor and thank God, which results in foolish thinking, darkened hearts, and worshipping created things instead of the Creator.
- Depravity’s Second Step: Uncleanness and Immorality.
- Read Romans 1:24.
- Ask: “What does God do after people take the first downward step of depravity?” (He gives them up to uncleanness).
- Explain the following:
- That phrase has also been translated, “God delivered them over in the passionate cravings of their hearts.”[iii]
- This is the second downward step of depravity.
- Warren Wiersbe has said, “The greatest judgment God can inflict on us is to let us have our own way.”[iv]
- The phrase, “God gave them up” (or “God gave them over”) appears again in verses 26 and 28.
- Ask: “What happens when people are given over to their unclean lusts?” (they become immoral, dishonoring their bodies through their wicked behavior).
- Ask: “Do we see that in our world today?” (absolutely).
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 1:25.
- Ask: “What else happens?” (they gladly exchange God’s truth for lies and worship created things instead of the Creator).
- Ask: “Do we see that in our world today?” (yes; people gladly accept absurd lies such as evolution and gender change, worshipping themselves, others, and sex).
- Summarize: The second downward step of depravity is uncleanness and immorality, which results in dishonoring one’s body, believing Satan’s lies, and worshipping created things instead of the Creator.
- Depravity’s Third Step: Vile Affections Resulting in Homosexuality.
- Read Romans 1:26-27.
- Ask: “According to the beginning of verse 26, what happens next?” (God gives them over to follow their vile, dishonorable, and degrading passions).
- Tell the class this is the third downward step of depravity.
- Ask: “What does the rest of verse 26 say results from that?” (women become lesbians, doing that which “is against nature”).
- Ask: “According to verse 27, what else happens when people follow their vile affections?” (men become homosexuals, committing shameful and disgraceful acts, and experiencing the natural penalties of that behavior, such as disease and suicide).
- Ask: “Do we see that in our world today?” (absolutely).
- Summarize: The third downward step of depravity is vile, degrading, and dishonorable passions, which result in homosexuality and its destructive effects.
- Depravity’s Final Step: Reprobate Mind Leading to All Sorts of Wickedness.
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 1:28.
- Ask: “What is the fourth downward step of depravity?” (God gives people over to a reprobate, depraved, and debased mind).
- Ask: “What does a reprobate mind cause people to do?” (things which are improper and inappropriate).
- Read Romans 1:29-31.
- Ask the students to name from those verses the wicked behaviors of people with reprobate minds.
- Note that “disobedient to parents” is included in that list, reminding us that disobedience is a serious sin in God’s sight.
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 1:32.
- Ask: “What do people with reprobate minds who have sunken to the lowest level of depravity still know?” (that they are under God’s judgment and deserve death).
- Ask: “In spite of knowing this, what do they do?” (they continue their sinful ways and approve, applaud, and take pleasure when others do the same wickedness).
- Summarize: The fourth and final downward step of depravity is a reprobate, depraved mind, which results in all sorts of wicked behavior, not caring about the judgment of God, and celebrating the sins of others.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Remind the students that today’s lesson has been about The Downward Steps of Depravity. Tell them we have learned the following:
- God reveals Himself to everyone on earth through His magnificent creation, so that no one can claim they don’t know God exists.
- The first downward step of depravity is refusing to honor and thank God, which results in foolish thinking, darkened hearts, and worshipping created things instead of the Creator.
- The second downward step of depravity is uncleanness and immorality, which results in dishonoring one’s body, believing Satan’s lies, and worshipping created things instead of the Creator.
- The third downward step of depravity is vile, degrading, and dishonorable passions, which result in homosexuality and its destructive effects.
- The fourth and final downward step of depravity is a reprobate, depraved mind, which results in all sorts of wicked behavior, not caring about the judgment of God, and celebrating the sins of others.
Tell the students it is obvious from these descriptions that we live in a very depraved and sinful world. Ask: “Do you honor and thank God as you should, or have you started down the steps of depravity?”
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Ask: “Has God brought some sin to your mind that you need to confess? Are you honoring and thanking God as you should?” Tell the students to repent of their sins and yield to God as the sovereign ruler of their lives, and thank Him for His mercy and grace. Allow a moment for silent prayer, and then voice a closing prayer.
CONCLUSION: Tell everyone to be careful to glorify and thank God every day.
[ii] Quoted in the KJV Spurgeon Study Bible, Copyright © 2018 by Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee.
[iii] The New Testament: An Expanded Translation, by Kenneth S. Wuest, Copyright © 1961, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.[iii]
[iv] Chapter-by-Chapter Bible Commentary, by Warren W. Wiersbe, Copyright 1991 by Warren W. Wiersbe, Nashville, Tennessee, Thomas Nelson, Inc.
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