October 6, 2019 – Hebrews 5:11 – 6:19
Lesson Date: October 6, 2019
Focal Scripture Passage: Hebrews 5:11 – 6:19
AIM: To lead students to discover that Christ’s superior salvation (1) enables us to grow past the stage of being spiritual babies and (2) provides a secure anchor for our eternity, and to respond to those truths with confession, commitment, and determination to move on toward spiritual maturity.
Before class: Read the notes on Hebrews 5:11 – 6:19 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get a baby bottle and an anchor (or pictures of those two items). Bring these items to class and set them up at the front of the room.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct the class’ attention to the baby bottle (or picture of a baby bottle). Ask them what it is, and ask them why babies drink from baby bottles. Ask if any of the students in the class still drink from baby bottles. Stress the fact that babies get their nutrition from bottles because they cannot eat solid food. Babies don’t have teeth with which to chew and their digestive systems are not ready for grown-up foods.
Direct the class’ attention to the anchor (or picture of an anchor). Ask them what it is, and then ask them what it is used for. Stress the fact that an anchor holds a ship or boat in a fixed position so it won’t drift away. A boat without an anchor is completely subject to the wind and waves – it will be tossed about and eventually end up wrecked on the shore.
Write the words “Superior Salvation” on the marker board or chalkboard. Tell the students in today’s lesson we will discover some very important truths about the superior salvation Jesus Christ offers.
- Review.
- Remind the students that we are studying the book of Hebrews.
- Ask them to name some of the things they have learned thus far about the superiority of Jesus Christ.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (Christ is our superior high priest).
- Ask if any volunteers would recite either or both of our last two memory verses (Heb. 4:12, 4:16).
- Milk or Meat?
- Direct the students’ attention to Hebrews 5:11, and explain that the words “Of whom” at the beginning of the verse refer to Jesus Christ (see Heb. 5:5-10).
- Ask a volunteer to read Hebrews 5:11-14.
- Ask: Why did the writer say he couldn’t tell his readers everything he wanted to about Jesus?” (because they had become “dull of hearing”).
- Ask: “According to verse 12, what should they have been doing?” (teaching others).
- Ask: “Instead of teaching others, what did they need?” (someone to teach them again the fundamental doctrines of the faith).
- Direct the class’ attention to the baby bottle (or picture) again. Tell them these believers should have been taking in spiritual meat, but instead they still needed milk.
- Ask: “According to verse 13, why do some Christians still need a spiritual baby bottle?” (because they are unskillful in the Word: they don’t know their Bibles).
- Ask: “According to verse 14, who can take in spiritual meat?” (those who are mature).
- Ask: “What can mature believers discern?” (good and evil).
- Ask: “Which are you? Are you mature, skillful in the Word, and able to recognize good and evil? Or are you immature, unskillful, and still on the bottle?”
- Stress the fact that the only way to become mature is to devote time to reading and studying God’s Word, the Bible. Verse 14 clearly says those who are mature are the ones who have used the Bible and exercised their senses to discern good and evil.
- Summarize: Some believers who have been saved a long time are still spiritual babies, while others are mature and spiritually discerning. The difference is time spent reading and studying the Bible.
- Move on Toward Maturity.
- Ask a volunteer to read Hebrews 6:1-3.
- Explain that the word leaving in verse 1 doesn’t mean to abandon something, but to move ahead or move forward. The word perfection refers to maturity.
- Tell the class once we are saved we should move on toward maturity.
- Explain that repentance, faith, and the other things named in those verses are the elementary doctrines of the faith.
- Ask: “According to verse 1, what should we not lay again?” (the foundation of repentance and faith).
- Tell the class it would be silly for a builder to lay a foundation, but rather than build a building on that foundation, instead lay another foundation on top of the first. Imagine driving through a subdivision and finding foundations stacked ten-high, with no houses at all!
- Explain that repentance and faith are the foundations of salvation. Immature believers sometimes try to repent and trust Christ for salvation again and again, but that is not necessary. Once a person has experienced Christ’s superior salvation, he or she can never lose it and does not need to repeatedly ask to be saved.
- Ask: “What do these verses tell us to do?” (move on toward maturity).
- Summarize: Those who have received Christ’s superior salvation through repentance and faith should make every effort to move on toward spiritual maturity.
- True Salvation Can Never Be Lost.
- Read the first four words of Hebrews 6:4 – “For it is impossible.”
- Tell the class the beginning of verse 4 says something is impossible and verse 6 tells us what that impossible thing is. Verses 4-5 describe the people for whom that thing is impossible.
- Read Hebrews 6:4-6.
- Ask the class what verses 4 and 5 say about these people (they were enlightened, they tasted of the heavenly gift, they were partakers of the Holy Spirit, they have tasted the good Word of God, and they have experienced the powers of the world to come).
- Ask: “Do you think those descriptions apply to lost persons or saved persons?” (saved).
- Tell the students it is impossible for the saved people described in verses 4-5 to do what’s described in verse 6.
- Read Hebrews 6:6
- Tell the class these verses refute the ridiculous notion that a person can be genuinely saved and then lose his or her salvation. Some churches falsely teach that you can lose your salvation and then be saved again, only to later lose it again, and on and on.
- Explain that if a truly saved person could lose his or her salvation, that would prove that Jesus’ death on the cross was not sufficient to purchase eternal redemption (Heb. 9:12). That would put Christ to open shame, showing Him to be a fake and liar.
- Re-read the first four words of verse 4, and tell the students verse 6 says if a saved person could ever lose his or her salvation, it would be impossible to regain it.
- Ask: “According to verse 6, what would have to happen for such a person to be saved again?” (Jesus Christ would have to die on the cross again).
- Tell the class the truth of the matter is that those who are genuinely saved can NEVER lose their salvation, because Jesus Christ provides superior salvation.
- Summarize: The superior salvation Jesus offers provides everlasting life. Those who are truly saved can never again be lost.
- The Anchor for Our Souls.
- Ask a volunteer to read Hebrews 6:9.
- Ask: “Did the writer of Hebrews believe his readers were truly saved?” (yes).
- Read Hebrews 6:10-17.
- Remind the students that God made promises to Abraham.
- Ask if they can name any of those promises (He promised to give Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan; He promised to make Abraham’s descendants numerous; He promised to bless those who blessed them and curse those who cursed them).
- Tell the students when the President of the United States takes the oath of office, he places his hand on a Bible and closes the oath with the words, “So help me God.” In other words, he swears in the name of God that he will fulfill that oath.
- Ask: “Who did God swear by?” (Himself).
- Tell the class God showed His faithfulness to Abraham by making promises and confirming those promises with an oath.
- Ask a volunteer to read Hebrews 6:18-19.
- Ask the students what the word immutable means (unchanging, not capable of or susceptible to change).
- Tell the students those two immutable things are God’s promises and His oath.
- Ask: “Can God possibly lie?” (no).
- Explain that the trustworthiness of God and the truthfulness of His Word give us hope – confident assurance.
- Ask: “What does verse 19 say that hope serves as?” (an anchor of the soul).
- Direct the class’ attention once again to the anchor (or picture). Tell them an anchor holds a boat in place so it will not drift.
- Summarize: Christ’s superior salvation is the anchor for our soul. Those who are truly saved can never lose their salvation or be cut adrift from God and His providential care.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Tell the class Jesus Christ is our superior Savior and He gives us superior salvation.
Review the lesson by stating the following:
- Because of Christ’s superior salvation, we don’t have to remain spiritual babies the rest of our lives. We can and should move on toward maturity.
- Christ’s superior salvation is a one-time event. If you are genuinely saved you can never lose your salvation and you don’t ever need to “get saved again.”
- Christ’s superior salvation gives us hope that anchors our soul. A person who belongs to Jesus Christ can’t be shaken loose or cast adrift, because the superior Savior is holding onto him.
Ask: “What about you? Are you truly saved? If so, are you still a spiritual baby drinking from a bottle? Have you been saved long enough that you should be teaching others? Are you moving on toward maturity, or are you drifting spiritually, like a ship without an anchor?”
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Encourage them to respond to the truths of this lesson by: (a) confessing their sins, (b) committing themselves completely to Jesus Christ, and (c) determining in their heart to move on toward spiritual maturity. Voice a closing prayer.
CONCLUSION: Say: “After a person is saved, the basics needed for moving on toward maturity are personal Bible reading, prayer, and church attendance. If you are not doing these things you are probably still a spiritual baby.” Encourage everyone to read the Bible, pray, and attend church faithfully this week.
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