October 14, 2018 – John 5:15-47
Lesson Date: October 14, 2018
Focal Scripture Passage: John 5:15-47
AIM: To lead students to discover six ways Jesus is equal to God as well as four witnesses that prove His equality with God, and to respond to these truths by either accepting Jesus as their Savior or planning to tell someone else about Jesus this week.
Before class: Read the notes on John 5:15-47 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get enough copies of “The Jerusalem Times” worksheet for your anticipated attendance. Have pens or pencils available for those who might need one. Write the words “Liar,” “Lunatic,” and “Lord” on the marker board or chalkboard.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Ask the students what they would think if you had come into class this morning and announced that you were God (they would think you were out of your head or making a joke in poor taste). Tell the class whenever someone claims to be God we can safely draw one of three conclusions. Direct their attention to the words “Liar” and “Lunatic” written on the board. Tell them anyone who claims to be God is either a liar (someone who is purposely trying to deceive people) or a lunatic (someone with mental problems who really thinks he or she is God). Tell the class that down through the centuries many people have claimed to be God. They were all either liars or lunatics.
Tell the students one person claimed to be God who was not a liar or a lunatic. That person was Jesus Christ. The thing that set Jesus apart from all the others who claimed to be God is that He actually IS God. Jesus was not a liar or a lunatic; He was (and is) Lord. Read the first half of the lesson aim to the class.
- Review.
- Remind the students that we are studying the Gospel of John.
- Read John 20:31.
- Ask: “Why did John write his gospel?” (so his readers would believe that Jesus is the Son of God and have everlasting life by trusting in Him).
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (two miracles – Jesus healed a nobleman’s son and healed a paralyzed man).
- Ask if any volunteer would be willing to recite last week’s memory verse (James 5:16).
- Ask: “How did the Jews react to the healing of the paralyzed man?” (they were upset because after he was healed he carried his bed on the Sabbath day – John 5:9-10).
- Jesus Claimed Equality with God.
- Ask a volunteer to read John 5:15-18.
- Explain that in verse 17 Jesus said the reason He worked on the Sabbath was that His Father (Almighty God) worked, regardless of what day it was.
- Ask: “According to verse 18, what did the Jews clearly understand Jesus was claiming?” (equality with God).
- Give everyone a copy of “The Jerusalem Times” worksheet (and a pen or pencil if needed).
- Read the first three paragraphs of the story “Jesus of Nazareth Claims to be God.”
- Ask the students to fill in the blanks in items 1 – 6 as you read John 5:19-26.
- After reading the verses, ask the class how they filled in the blanks (the correct answers should be: work, knowledge, give life, judgment, honor, life, and Himself).
- Summarize: Jesus Christ clearly claimed to be equal with God – God in human flesh – and named six aspects of His equality with God the Father.
- Four Witnesses Jesus Cited.
- Ask a volunteer to read John 5:27-29.
- Tell the class Jesus reinforced His claim to be equal with the Father in judgment (v. 22) by stating that one day He will judge all humans (Rev. 20:11-15).
- Read the next paragraph of the story “Jesus of Nazareth Claims to be God.”
- Read John 5:30-32.
- Explain that Jewish Law required multiple witnesses to convict or establish a fact.
- Ask the students to fill in the blanks in Witness No. 1 through Witness No. 4 as you read John 5:33-47.
- After reading the verses, ask the students how they filled in the blanks (the correct answers should be: John, Baptist, works, God, Father, and Scriptures).
- Summarize: Jesus Christ clearly claimed to be God in human flesh and cited four witnesses to prove His claim.
- The Reaction of the Jewish Religious Leaders.
- Ask: “What do you think the Jewish religious leaders thought about Jesus’ claims that He was God?” (they thought he was a troublemaker who had to be eliminated; in other words, they thought He was a liar or a lunatic).
- Ask everyone to re-read John 5:16-18.
- Ask: “According to verses 16 and 18, what did they decide to do about Jesus?” (kill Him).
- Read the last paragraph of the story “Jesus of Nazareth Claims to be God.”
- Ask them what word goes in the blank in that paragraph (kill).
- Summarize: The Jewish religious leaders clearly understood that Jesus claimed to be God. They rejected Him and His claims, so they decided to kill Him.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Read the first half of the lesson aim to the class. Direct the students’ attention to the words “Liar,” “Lunatic,” and “Lord” written on the board. Remind them that at the beginning of class we established that anyone who claims to be God is either a liar, a lunatic, or he is actually Lord. Jesus is not a liar and He is not a lunatic. He could prove that He is actually God so He is LORD!
Remind the class that the Jews rejected Jesus and decided the best thing to do was kill Him. Read the last half of the lesson aim to the class.
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Ask: “What about you? Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior and Lord? If not, what are you waiting for? The evidence is in and the truth is established. Confess your sin and ask Jesus Christ to save you right now.”
Ask: “If you already know Jesus as your Savior, will you tell someone else about Him this week? Who do you know that needs to know Jesus? Will you pray for that person right now?” Voice a closing prayer for lost people to be saved and for Christians to seek them out and witness to them.
CONCLUSION: Encourage the students to follow through on their commitments by either making public their profession of faith in Jesus or telling someone else about Jesus. Ask everyone to read John 6 this week and answer the questions in their quarterly.
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