November 29, 2020 – Genesis 23 – 24
Lesson Date: November 29, 2020
Focal Scripture Passage: Genesis 23:1-2; 24:1-28, 47-67
AIM: To lead students to discover some wonderful truths about salvation from the story of Abraham seeking a bride for his son, and to encourage those who are already saved to thank God for their salvation and those who are not saved to turn to Jesus Christ for salvation.
Before class: Read the notes on Genesis 23 – 24 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get enough copies of the worksheet, “A Bride Sought for the Son,” for your anticipated attendance. Be sure to have pens or pencils available for any who might need one.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Ask the students if they have ever attended a wedding. Ask them to name some of the traditional elements included in most wedding ceremonies. They might name the following: the bridegroom stands down front awaiting his bride; the bride’s father walks her down the aisle and hands her over to the bridegroom; when the marriage ceremony is completed, the happy bride and groom leave to establish a new home together.
Tell the class the Bible says marriage symbolizes the bond between Christ and His church. Many of the traditional elements in the wedding ceremony depict that relationship.
Remind the students that last week we learned about the birth of Abraham’s promised son, Isaac. We learned that Isaac was an Old Testament type (representation) of Jesus Christ. In this week’s lesson we will learn that Isaac’s father sought a bride for his son. That bride represents the church. The story found in Genesis 24 is about real events in the lives of real people, but it also presents a beautiful picture of salvation.
- Review.
- Remind the students that we are studying the book of Genesis.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (God put Abraham’s faith to the test and then provided a substitute sacrifice).
- Ask if any volunteer would recite last week’s memory verse (Gen. 22:8).
- Sarah’s Death.
- Read Genesis 23:1-2.
- Tell the class that Abraham’s wife, Sarah, died. She was 127 years old, Abraham was 137 years old, and Isaac was 37 years old.
- Abraham bought a piece of land and buried his beloved Sarah there in a cave.
- Summarize: Sarah died and Abraham buried her body in a cave in Canaan.
- Abraham’s Instructions.
- Ask a volunteer to read Genesis 24:1-4.
- Explain the following:
- Abraham called his eldest and most trusted servant.
- He asked the servant to put his hand under Abraham’s thigh and swear an oath in the name of Almighty God.
- The thigh area has to do with procreation, so Abraham was entrusting the future of his family into the hands of this servant, who already oversaw all of Abraham’s material possessions.
- Ask: “According to verse 3, what did Abraham tell the servant not to do?” (take a wife for his son Isaac from among the local Canaanite women).
- Ask: “According to verse 4, what did he tell him to do?” (go back to Abraham’s family and find a wife for Isaac from among his relatives).
- Give everyone a copy of the worksheet titled, “A Bride Sought for the Son.”
- Offer pens or pencils to those who need them.
- Tell the students throughout the lesson we will fill in the blanks on the worksheets.
- See the copy of the worksheet with the blanks filled.
- Tell the class Abraham represents God the Father, and ask them to fill in that blank on their worksheet.
- Tell them that Isaac represents God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Ask them to fill in those blanks.
- Lead them to fill in blanks 1-3 beside “Isaac” (promised, beloved, heir).
- Tell the students that Abraham already knew that his brother’s family back in Haran had grown (Gen. 22:20-24). Abraham had nieces and great-nieces living there.
- Tell them Abraham chose the bride for his son, and ask them to fill in blank 1 beside “Abraham.”
- Read Genesis 24:5-9.
- Tell the class the servant represents the Holy Spirit, and ask them to fill in that blank.
- Lead the class to fill in blanks 1-3 beside “Servant” (obedient, depended, authority).
- Lead them to fill in blank 2 beside “Abraham” (call, draw, bring).
- Summarize: Abraham instructed his most trusted servant to take a wife for his son Isaac from among his family in Mesopotamia.
- The Servant’s Journey and Prayer.
- Read Genesis 24:10-14.
- Lead the class to fill in blank 4 beside “Servant” (foreign country).
- Read Genesis 24:15-28.
- Lead the class to fill in blank 5 beside “Servant” (directed, chosen).
- Tell the students the foreign country represents the World and Rebekah represents the Church, the Bride of Christ. Ask them to fill in those blanks.
- Lead the class to fill in blank 1 beside “Foreign Country” (living).
- Lead them to fill in blank 1 beside “Rebekah” (prepared).
- Summarize: Abraham’s servant prayed that God would direct him to His choice of a bride for Isaac. The Lord directed him to Abraham’s great-niece, Rebekah.
- The Marriage Proposal.
- Explain the following from verses 29-46:
- Rebekah and her brother Laban brought the servant and his caravan to their home.
- They prepared a meal for the servant, but he refused to eat until he had stated his reason for coming.
- The servant told all about Abraham’s instructions, his prayer for God to direct him to the chosen bride, and Rebekah’s actions.
- Read Genesis 24:47-53.
- Lead the class to fill in blanks 6 and 7 beside “Servant” (invited, gifts).
- Lead them to fill in blanks 2 and 3 beside “Foreign Country” (out, world, remain).
- Lead the students to fill in blank 2 beside “Rebekah” (drew).
- Ask a volunteer to read Genesis 24:54-60.
- Lead the class to fill in blanks 3 and 4 beside “Rebekah” (leave, immediately, delay).
- Summarize: Abraham’s servant invited Rebekah to come with him and become Isaac’s wife. She and her family agreed.
- Explain the following from verses 29-46:
- Rebekah Became Isaac’s Wife.
- Read Genesis 24:61-67.
- Lead the class to fill in blanks 3 and 4 beside “Abraham” (wedding, dwelling).
- Lead them to fill in blanks 4-6 beside “Isaac” (bridegroom, loves, dwelling, permanently).
- Lead the students to fill in blank 8 beside “Servant” (brought, union).
- Lead the class to fill in blank 4 beside “Foreign Country” (left, live, promise).
- Lead them to fill in blank 5 beside “Rebekah” (left, met, seen).
- Tell the class Canaan in this story represents Heaven, Our Eternal Home. Ask them to fill in those blanks.
- Tell them the marriage represents the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Ask them to fill in those blanks.
- Lead the class to fill in blanks 1-3 beside “Canaan” (promise, faraway, unknown, home, husband).
- Lead them to fill in blank 1 beside “Marriage” (bride).
- Summarize: Rebekah left her home and family to become the bride of the promised son, Isaac. She began a new life in his home and never returned to her old life or home.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Tell the students this chapter presents a beautiful picture of our salvation. Review the lesson by reading the completed worksheet to the class.
Tell the class: “If you are a Christian, God chose you while you were still living in a foreign land to be part of the bride of Christ. He sent the Holy Spirit to draw you and bring you into a marriage union with His Son. He has given you gifts and provided you a permanent dwelling place in the Father’s house. You should give thanks to God for these wonderful blessings.”
Continue: “If you are not a Christian none of those wonderful things apply to you. You are still in a foreign land, separated from the Father and the Son. Death in that foreign land is disastrous: you will never enjoy fellowship or communion with God the Father or His Son, Jesus Christ. If, however, you sense the Holy Spirit lovingly drawing you to the Son like Abraham’s servant drew Rebekah, then you can be saved. Repent of your sins, leave your old way of life, and come into union with the Lord Jesus Christ. Trust Him and Him alone for salvation.”
Encourage those who are Christians to thank God for their salvation. Urge any the Lord might be drawing to salvation to turn away from their sins and place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Voice a closing prayer.
CONCLUSION: Be sure everyone present has a Sunday School Member Quarterly for the new quarter. Tell them the Daily Bible Reading Guide begins tomorrow. Ask everyone to read Genesis 25 – 26 this week and complete the learning activities in their book before next Sunday.
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