November 24, 2024 – Romans 8:26-39
Lesson Date: November 24, 2024
Focal Scripture Passage: Romans 8:26-39
AIM: To lead students to discover evidences of our security in Jesus Christ, and to thank God that He prays for us, always does what’s best for us, and will never leave us.
Before class: Read the notes on Romans 8:26-39 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Write the word “Uncertainties” on the board.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct everyone’s attention to the word “Uncertainties” written on the board. Tell the class that life is full of uncertainties, which means our circumstances could change at any moment. Explain that a phone call could bring news of the unexpected death of a loved one, or medical test results could shake up our life.
Ask the students to name some of life’s uncertainties. They might name some of the following:
- The weather, including damage and loss of life due to hurricanes, tornadoes, or flooding.
- Health problems that might befall us, our family, or our friends.
- The economy, which might mean the loss of our job or inflation that outpaces our income.
- Relationships that could change or be broken at any time.
- World peace and the threat of war.
Tell the class that changes and uncertainties in life can cause stress and anxiety; in fact, many counselors and psychologists stay busy trying to help people adjust to the uncertainties of life. Tell the students that worst of all, many suicides can be linked to unexpected changes and uncertainties about the future.
Erase the “Un” prefix from the word on the board, leaving the word “Certainties.” Tell the class that most of us prefer certainty to uncertainty, but Benjamin Franklin once said, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” Ask: “Is there anything in life about which we can be certain? Is there anything that will not change?” (allow time for responses).
Tell the class that the title of today’s lesson is Confident Assurance. Tell them we will discover several things about which we can be absolutely certain; in other words, truths that give us confident assurance in the face of life’s uncertainties.
- Review.
- Be sure everyone has a copy of the new Sunday School Member Quarterly for the winter quarter. Tell them we will continue our study of the New Testament book of Romans.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (Life in Perspective; we learned where to focus our attention when suffering and difficulties come our way).
- Ask if any volunteer would recite last week’s memory verse (Romans 8:18).
- God’s Holy Spirit Helps Us and Intercedes For Us.
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 8:26-27.
- Remind the students that the verses immediately preceding tell us that for believers, our current sufferings won’t last forever and are nothing compared to the glory awaiting us.
- Ask: “In addition to those truths, what other help does God give us?” (the Holy Spirit, who lives within every believer).
- Ask: “How does the Holy Spirit help us?” (He intercedes for us in the will of God).
Ask: “Have you ever faced a problem or decision and didn’t know what to pray?” (they probably have). - Explain the following:
- The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead (along with God the Father and God the Son).
- Because He is God, He knows God’s will for us (v. 27).
- When we don’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit prays and intercedes for us.
- The Holy Spirit’s prayers go beyond what can be expressed in human words (v. 26).
- There are three “groanings” described in this chapter:
- All of creation is groaning and travailing like a woman in childbirth, awaiting Jesus’ return and our ultimate glorification (v. 22).
- We groan within ourselves, longing for our ultimate adoption and the redemption of our bodies (v. 23).
- The Holy Spirit groans in unutterable intercession for us (v. 26).
- Summarize: Life is full of uncertainties, but if we belong to Jesus we can be confident that God’s Holy Spirit helps us and intercedes for us.
- God Has a Wonderful Plan For Us.
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 8:28.
- Tell the students that this is one of the most familiar verses in the Bible.
- Ask: “Does this verse mean that nothing bad will ever happen to us?” (no).
- Ask: “What does it mean?” (regardless of what happens, good or bad, God is working out a good plan for us).
- Stress the fact that God ultimately uses all circumstances for our good, to grow us, strengthen us, and make us more like Him; in other words, He has a wonderful plan for us and uses all of life’s circumstances to accomplish that plan.
- Ask: “To whom does God make this promise?” (those who love God and are called according to His purpose).
- Tell the class that the next two verses clarify the identity of those who are called, and describe His future plan for them.
- Read Romans 8:29-30.
- Explain the following:
- The word foreknow “speaks of a predetermined choice to set His love on us and establish an intimate relationship”[i] with us.
- The word predestine simply means to choose in advance.
- Ask: “What did God do for those He foreknew and predestined?” (He called them).
- Stress the fact that those who are called according to His purpose (v. 28) are the ones God chose in eternity past to save; in other words, if we are saved, then the promise contained in verse 28 applies to us.
- Tell the class that verse 30 reveals more of God’s wonderful plan for us.
- Ask: “What else does God promise to those He called to salvation?” (He justified us and will glorify us).
- Remind everyone that justified means to be declared not guilty and made right with God (Rom. 3:24-28; 4:25; 8:1), and that we will be glorified when Jesus takes us home to be with Him in heaven (Rom. 8:17-18).
- Summarize: Life is full of uncertainties, but if we belong to Jesus we can be confident that God has a wonderful plan for us.
- God is For Us and We Will Never Again be Condemned.
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 8:31-32.
- Ask: “What question do we find in verse 31?” (if God is for us, who can be against us).
- Ask: “How would you answer that question? If God is for you, who can be against you?” (nobody).
- Ask: “In a world full of uncertainties, how does that truth make you feel?” (confident and assured that God will always do what is best for us).
- Ask: “What does verse 32 say to prove this point?” (since God didn’t spare His own Son, but sent Him to die to purchase our salvation, we can be certain that He will always give us and do for us exactly what we need).
- Stress the fact that when we face difficulties we can rest assured that God always does what is best for us.
- Read Romans 8:33-34.
- Ask: “According to verse 33 and in light of the fact that God has justified us through Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:1), who can bring any credible change against us?” (nobody; God has ruled us not guilty, so no one has any grounds to accuse us of being guilty).
- Ask: “According to verse 34 and in light of the fact that Christ died for us, who has the right to condemn us?” (nobody).
- Ask: “According to verse 34, what has Christ done for us in the past?” (died for our sin and rose again for our justification; Rom. 4:25).
- Ask: “What is Jesus doing for us right now?” (He is at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us).
- Stress the fact that both the Holy Spirit and Jesus are interceding for Christians!
- Summarize: Life is full of uncertainties, but if we belong to Jesus we can be confident that God is for us and we will never again be condemned (guilty).
- God Will Never Leave Us or Stop Loving Us.
- Read Romans 8:35-37.
- Tell the class that some people are separated from their loved ones because they move away to go to college or take a new job, others are separated by military deployments, and the ultimate separation occurs at death.
- Stress the fact that separation is sad!
- Ask: “According to verse 35, what are some things that cannot separate us from Christ’s love?” (tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or death).
- Remind the class that the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to believers who were being persecuted by Rome.
- Ask: “According to verse 37, what confidence do we have in Christ?” (we are more than conquerors; in other words, no matter what men may do to us here, we will be with Jesus in glory forever; Rom. 8:18).
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 8:38-39.
- Ask: “What cannot separate us from the love of God?” (death, life, angels, demonic powers, earthly rulers, anything in the present or future, height, depth, or any creature).
- Tell the class that Romans 8 opened assuring us that we are no longer under condemnation because God has declared us not guilty, and closes with the promise that nothing can separate us from God or His love for us.
- Summarize: Life is full of uncertainties, but if we belong to Jesus we can be confident that God will never leave us or stop loving us.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Remind the class that the title of today’s lesson is Confident Assurance. Tell them that life is full of uncertainties, but if we belong to Jesus we can be absolutely confident of the following:
- God’s Holy Spirit helps us and intercedes for us.
- God has a wonderful plan for us.
- God is for us and we will never again be condemned.
- God will never leave us or stop loving us.
Direct everyone’s attention to the word “Certainties” written on the board. Tell them if they belong to Jesus they can be absolutely certain of those truths.
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Ask: “Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If so, you can have confidence and certainty that God is for you, working for your good, and nothing can ever separate you from His love. If that’s true in your life, thank Him right now.” Ask: “Do you lack that confidence and certainty? If so, please repent of your sins and place your faith in Jesus Christ right now.” Allow a moment for silent prayer, and then voice a closing prayer.
CONCLUSION: Ask everyone to memorize Romans 8:38-39. Tell them when troubles or difficulties come their way to remember that nothing can separate them from the love of God. Ask everyone to begin the Daily Bible Reading Guide in their new Sunday School Member Quarterly tomorrow. Offer to stay after class if anyone has questions about salvation.
[i] The MacArthur Study Bible, John MacArthur, Copyright © 1997, Word Publishing, Nashville, TN, Electronic edition © Logos Library System.
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