March 30, 2025 – 1 Kings 9 – 10
Lesson Date: March 30, 2025
Focal Scripture Passage: 1 Kings 9:1-9; 10:1-9, 18-24
AIM: To lead students to discover that Solomon’s dedication to the Lord and the Lord’s blessings upon him were obvious to others, and to examine themselves to determine if others can see God’s working in their lives.
Before class: Read the notes on 1 Kings 9 – 10 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Write “You Are Being Watched” on the board or screen.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct everyone’s attention to the statement, “You Are Being Watched” written on the board or screen. Ask: “What does that statement mean to you? Do you think you are being watched?” Allow time for some responses.
Tell the class that security cameras are almost everywhere, so we can literally be watched at our homes, at work, in retail stores, and even just walking down the street. Explain that such security cameras often help law enforcement solve crimes and track suspicious individuals.
Tell the students that in addition to the pervasiveness of security cameras, our online activities are also being watched. Explain that this is the reason we might look up a product online, and then start seeing ads for similar items on our web browser and social media.
Tell the class our purchases are also being monitored, which allows financial institutions to notify us about suspicious or fraudulent-appearing activities. Tell them our locations and movements are also being tracked through our cell phones.
Tell the students that in addition to all these high-tech examples, we are also being watched by others we interact with, work with, and live with. Stress the fact that our behavior is being watched almost all the time. Ask: “What do people see when they watch us?”
Tell the students the title of today’s lesson is What Do Others See In Me? Tell them we will learn that Solomon’s life and kingdom gave evidence of the abundant blessings of God, and we will think about what others see when they look at us.
- Review.
- Remind everyone that we are studying the Old Testament book of 1 Kings.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (Am I Dedicated to the Lord?; we learned how King Solomon led the Israelites to dedicate the new Temple to Almighty God, and used that pattern to examine our dedication to the Lord).
- Ask: “Have you dedicated your resources, heart, and behavior to the Lord this week?”
- God Saw and Blessed Solomon’s Dedication.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 9:1-2.
- Ask: “What happened after Solomon finished all his building projects?” (the Lord appeared to him a second time).
- Remind the students that the Lord first appeared to Solomon at least 20 years earlier, when he went to worship at Gibeon (1 Kings 3:5).
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 9:3.
- Ask: “What’s the first thing the Lord said to Solomon in verse 3?” (I have heard your prayer).
- Tell the class that we read Solomon’s lengthy prayer last week in 1 Kings 8.
- Direct everyone’s attention again to the statement, “You Are Being Watched.”
- Ask: “Who was watching Solomon?” (God).
- Stress the fact that God is also watching us; He sees us and hears us all the time.
- Read 1 Kings 9:4-5.
- Ask: “What did God promise Solomon?” (if he walked uprightly and obeyed God as his father David had done, then God would establish Solomon and his descendants on the throne of Israel forever).
- Explain the following:
- This was a conditional promise.
- If Solomon lived an upright and obedient life, then God promised to bless his descendants, too.
- This shows the influence of parents and grandparents on the lives of their descendants.
- We should strive to live right now so our descendants will be blessed in the future.
- Summarize: The Lord saw Solomon’s dedication, heard and answered his prayer, and promised to bless his continued obedience. What does the Lord see when He looks at me? Am I living in such a way that God can bless my descendants?
- God Warned that Others Would See Israel’s Unfaithfulness.
- Tell the class that God saw and blessed Solomon’s dedication, but He also warned him that others would see Israel’s unfaithfulness.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 9:6-7.
- Ask: “Verse 6 names three specific ways Solomon or his descendants could be unfaithful to God; what are those three ways?” (1 – turn from following the Lord, 2 – disobey His commandments and statutes, and 3 – worship and serve false gods [idols]).
- Ask: “According to verse 7, what did God say would be the penalty for their unfaithfulness?” (He would cast Israel out of the land He had given them, cast the Temple out of His sight, and make Israel a “proverb” and “byword” for all people).
- Ask: “What does it mean when someone is referred to as a Benedict Arnold?” (it means he or she is a traitor).
- Ask: “What does it mean when someplace is said to be like Sodom and Gomorrah?” (it means it is completely corrupt, with rampant immorality and homosexuality).
- Explain that God warned if Solomon or his descendants turned away from Him, then the very name “Israel” would come to represent unfaithfulness and disobedience toward God.
- Read 1 Kings 9:8-9.
- Ask: “In verse 8, how did the Lord say people would react to the destruction of the Temple?” (they would be shocked and amazed and ask why the Lord would allow His house to be destroyed).
- Ask: “According to verse 9, how would they answer that question?” (because they forsook the Lord who brought them out of Egypt and turned away to false gods).
- Direct everyone’s attention once again to the statement, “You Are Being Watched.”
- Ask: “Who would see God’s judgment on unfaithful Israel?” (everyone that passed by).
- Stress the fact that if we are unfaithful to God, others will see and be warned.
- Tell the students that the rest of chapter 9 describes Solomon’s building projects, his wealth, and his worship.
- Summarize: The Lord warned Solomon that if he or his descendants turned from following Him, then Israel and the Temple would serve as warnings to everyone who saw them. Do others see God’s hand of judgment upon me?
- The Queen of Sheba Saw God’s Blessings Upon Solomon.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 10:1.
- Explain that Sheba was located at the southwestern tip of the Arabian Peninsula in modern-day Yemen, which was over 1,200 miles away from Jerusalem.
- Ask: “What had the Queen of Sheba heard about Solomon?” (his great fame and devotion to the name of the Lord).
- Tell the students that camel caravans only travel about 10 to 25 miles per day, which means this journey probably took 3 to 4 months.
- Ask: “Why did she make the long trip to Jerusalem?” (to test Solomon with hard questions; in other words, to see if all she had heard about him was true).
- Read 1 Kings 10:2-5.
- Tell the class that the Queen of Sheba came to Jerusalem with a great caravan of camels, carrying spices and gold and precious stones; when she arrived she asked Solomon all her hard questions.
- Ask: “According to verse 3, what did Solomon tell her?” (everything she wanted to know).
- Ask: “According to verses 4-5, what did she see?” (his wisdom, the Temple and royal buildings, the lavish provisions and apparel of his servants, and the way he went up to worship the Lord).
- Ask: “What was her reaction to all these things?” (they took her breath away).
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 10:6-9.
- Ask: “What did she say in verses 6-7?” (everything she had heard about Solomon was true, she didn’t fully believe it until she saw it, and his wisdom and prosperity were far greater than she had heard).
- Ask: “What did she say about Solomon’s servants in verse 8?” (they were blessed to get to hear Solomon’s great wisdom).
- Ask: “What did she say in verse 9?” (she praised God for blessing Solomon and putting him on the throne, which was because of His love for Israel).
- Stress the fact that a pagan ruler from a faraway land praised the Lord God of Israel for His blessings upon Solomon.
- Direct everyone’s attention again to the statement, “You Are Being Watched.”
- Ask: “Who was watching Solomon?” (the Queen of Sheba).
- Tell the class that if we experience God’s blessings, others will see and be curious.
- Summarize: The Queen of Sheba was amazed to see the Lord’s hand of blessing upon Solomon. Do others see God’s blessings when they look at me?
- Everyone Saw Solomon’s Wealth and Wisdom.
- Tell the students that the rest of chapter 10 tells about Solomon’s incredible wealth.
- Read 1 Kings 10:18-22.
- Ask: “What do those verses describe?” (Solomon’s ivory and gold throne, his golden drinking cups, and his merchant navy that continued to bring him even more wealth).
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 10:23-24.
- Ask: “What does verse 23 say about Solomon?” (his wealth and wisdom were greater than any other king on earth).
- Ask: “According to verse 24, who sought Solomon’s great wisdom?” (“all the earth”).
- Direct everyone’s attention once again to the statement, “You Are Being Watched.”
- Ask: “Who was watching Solomon?” (everyone on earth).
- Stress the fact that everyone saw evidence of God’s blessings upon Solomon.
- Summarize: The whole world saw that the Lord had blessed Solomon with greater wealth and wisdom than anyone else. Does my life give evidence of God’s blessings?
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Remind the students that the title of today’s lesson is What Do Others See In Me? Tell them we have discovered that Solomon’s dedication to the Lord and blessings from the Lord were obvious to everyone on earth.
Direct everyone’s attention once again to the statement, “You Are Being Watched.” Remind them that:
- God saw and blessed Solomon’s dedication to Him. Ask: “What does God see when He looks at you? Are you fully committed to Him?”
- God warned that if Solomon or his descendants turned away from Him, everyone would see and be warned by their fall. Ask: “Have you turned away from God? Are you as committed and faithful as you used to be?”
- The Queen of Sheba saw God’s blessings upon Solomon. Ask: “Can others see God’s blessings on your life? Are you living in a way that God can bless you?”
- The whole world saw God’s blessings upon Solomon. Ask: “Can everyone see that you are living for the Lord Jesus?”
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Tell them that others are watching them. Tell them to confess any known sin and to recommit themselves to the Lord. Allow a moment for silent prayer, and then voice a closing prayer.
CONCLUSION: Ask everyone to memorize Galatians 6:7-8. Urge them to be faithful stewards of God’s blessings this week, remembering that others are watching.
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