March 23, 2025 – 1 Kings 8
Lesson Date: March 23, 2025
Focal Scripture Passage: 1 Kings 8:1-11, 22-23, 30, 33-43, 54-58, 60, 66
AIM: To lead students to discover how King Solomon led the Israelites to dedicate the Temple, and to examine themselves to see if they are truly dedicated to the Lord.
Before class: Read the notes on 1 Kings 8 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Have enough copies of the “Solomon’s Temple” handout (the same one used last week) on hand for your anticipated attendance. Write the word “Dedication” on the board or screen.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct everyone’s attention to the word “Dedication” written on the board or screen. Ask: “What does the word ‘dedication’ mean?” Allow time for some responses, and then tell the class that dictionary definitions of “dedication” include, “devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose,” and “a ceremony to mark the official completion or opening of something”
Tell the students that as the definition states, we often use the word ‘dedication’ when speaking of a dedication ceremony for a new building or monument, in which case the building or monument is indeed set apart for a special purpose. Tell them today’s lesson is about the dedication of the Temple Solomon built for the Lord in Jerusalem. Explain that the ceremony marked the completion of the work (1 Kings 7:51), and the setting apart of that building for the special purpose of providing a dedicated place to worship the Lord God.
Ask: “Is that the only way we use the word dedication?” (no). Tell the class another dictionary definition of “dedication” is, “self-sacrificing devotion and loyalty.”[i] Explain that in that sense, we might speak of someone’s dedication to their job or their family, or even their devotion to their favorite sport or hobby. Ask: “Does dedication to our family, job, or hobby ever cost us anything? If so, what are some of those costs?” (yes; costs include our time, money, and giving up other things we might enjoy).
Ask: “Do we ever use the word ‘dedication’ to speak of our personal devotion to the Lord?” (yes). Tell the class when we are dedicated to the Lord, we are devoted, loyal, and set aside for His purpose. Ask: “Does our dedication to the Lord ever require us to give up other things?” (yes).
Tell the students the title of today’s lesson is Am I Dedicated to the Lord? Tell them we will learn how King Solomon led the Israelites to dedicate the new Temple to Almighty God, and use that pattern to determine if we are truly dedicated to the Lord.
- Review.
- Remind everyone that we are studying the Old Testament book of 1 Kings.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (What Am I Building?; we learned about the great amount of resources, energy, and time King Solomon poured into building the Temple, and evaluated our investments of resources, energy, and time).
- Ask: “Have you invested your resources, energy, and time wisely this week?”
- Dedication of My Resources.
- Remind the students that Solomon spent seven years building the Temple.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 8:1.
- Ask: “What did Solomon do?” (summoned all the leaders of Israel to come to Jerusalem).
- Ask: “Why did he called them?” (to bring the Ark of the Covenant into the new Temple).
- Give everyone a copy of the “Solomon’s Temple” handout.
- Explain the following:
- The Ark of the Covenant had been in a tent in the “City of David” (1 Chron. 16:1).
- That was the southern part of the city, which David conquered years earlier.
- Locate the City of David and the Temple on the “Solomon’s Temple” handout.
- Tell the class that travel in ancient times was slow, and some of the people had to travel a great distance, which means that coming to the dedication ceremony required a commitment of their time; in the same way, true dedication to the Lord requires a commitment of our time.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 8:2-4.
- Ask: “According to verse 2, what did all the men of Israel do?” (they came).
- Tell the class that the dedication ceremony required the Israelites’ attendance; in the same way, true dedication to the Lord requires our attendance at the house of God.
- Ask: “If someone claims to be a Christian but chooses never to come to church, what does that say about their dedication to the Lord?” (they aren’t very dedicated).
- Read 1 Kings 8:5-9.
- Ask: “According to verse 8, what did Solomon and the people do as the priests carried the Ark up to the Temple?” (sacrificed a huge number of sheep and oxen).
- Ask: “Are sheep and oxen free?” (no, they are very valuable, especially in an agrarian society).
- Tell the class that the dedication of the Temple required a sacrifice of money; in the same way, true dedication to the Lord requires a commitment of our money.
- Refer to the “Solomon’s Temple” handout, and explain that the priests placed the Ark of the Covenant in the “Most Holy Place” (the Holy of Holies) of the Temple.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 8:10-11.
- Ask: “What happened when the priests came out of the Temple?” (a cloud filled the house).
- Explain that the cloud represented God’s presence.
- Ask: “What does the last part of verse 11 say filled the house of the Lord?” (the glory of the Lord).
- Tell the students that after King Solomon and the people gave their time, attendance, and money to dedicate the Temple, God blessed them with His presence and glory.
- Summarize: If I am truly dedicated to the Lord, then I will dedicate my resources to Him, including my time, attendance, and money. God blesses such dedication with the awareness of His presence and glimpses of His glory.
- Dedication of My Heart.
- Tell the class that Solomon then blessed the people and reminded them that God had chosen him to build the Temple.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 8:22-23.
- Ask: “What did Solomon do next?” (he praised the Lord God of Israel).
- Tell the class that the dedication of the Temple included praise; in the same way, true dedication to the Lord moves us to praise Him.
- Read 1 Kings 8:30.
- Ask: “What did Solomon ask God to do?” (hear their prayers).
- Explain that the remainder of this chapter includes numerous references to prayer, in which Solomon asked God to hear and answer their prayers, especially in times of trouble.
- Tell the class that the dedication of the Temple included prayer; in the same way, true dedication to the Lord causes us to pray to Him.
- Read 1 Kings 8:33-39.
- Explain that these verses describe the people confessing and repenting of their sins.
- Tell the class that the dedication of the Temple included repentance of sins; in the same way, true dedication to the Lord leads us to confess and repent of our sins.
- Ask: “Look back at verses 34, 36, and 39; what did Solomon ask God to do when the people repented of their sins?” (forgive them).
- Tell the students that Solomon’s dedication of the Temple included praise, prayer, and repentance, and Solomon asked God to respond by forgiving his people.
- Summarize: If I am truly dedicated to the Lord, then I will dedicate my heart to Him, including praise, prayer, and repentance. God blesses such dedication with forgiveness.
- Dedication of My Behavior.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 8:40-43.
- Ask: “According to verse 40, what did Solomon want the people to do?” (fear the Lord).
- Tell the class verses 41-43 describe a stranger (a non-Israelite) praying to God.
- Ask: “According to verse 43, what did Solomon want strangers to do?” (fear the Lord).
- Tell the class that the dedication of the Temple included reverence (another word for fear); in the same way, true dedication to the Lord causes us to reverence Him.
- Explain that verses 44-53 describe more scenarios in which God’s people would pray to Him, and He would hear and forgive them.
- Read 1 Kings 8:54-58.
- Tell the class that Solomon ended his prayer, blessed the people, praised God again, and asked the Lord to be with them (a prayer that wasn’t fully answered until Jesus came to be “God with us”).
- Ask: “According to verse 58, what did Solomon want the people to do?” (walk in God’s way and obey all His commandments, statutes, and judgments).
- Tell the class that the dedication of the Temple included an admonition to obedience; in the same way, true dedication to the Lord causes us to obey Him.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Kings 8:60.
- Ask: “What was the over-arching goal of the Temple?” (that everyone on earth would know the Lord is the only true God).
- Tell the class that the dedication of the Temple included the desire for the Lord to be revealed to everyone on earth; in the same way, true dedication to the Lord causes us to tell others.
- Explain that Solomon then offered more sacrifices to the Lord, after which all Israel enjoyed fourteen days of feasting and celebration.
- Read 1 Kings 8:66.
- Ask: “What did the people experience?” (joy and gladness in the Lord).
- Tell the students that Solomon’s dedication of the Temple included reverence, prayer, and a desire for God to be revealed to everyone on earth, and it resulted in God blessing the people with joy and gladness.
- Summarize: If I am truly dedicated to the Lord, then I will dedicate my behavior to Him, by giving Him reverence, obedience, and revealing Him to others. God blesses such dedication with joy and gladness for His goodness.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Remind the students that the title of today’s lesson is Am I Dedicated to the Lord? Tell them we have discovered that Solomon’s dedication of the Temple required the following from the Israelites:
- Dedication of their resources, including their time, attendance, and money.
- Dedication of their hearts, including their personal praise, prayer, and repentance.
- Dedication of their behavior, including their reverence, obedience, and revealing the Lord to others.
Tell the class there is an old expression that says anything worth doing is worth doing well. Tell them that during the dedication of the Temple, Solomon called upon His people to give their very best to the Lord. Explain that as a result of their dedication, the Lord blessed them with:
- His presence and glory.
- His forgiveness.
- Joy and gladness for His goodness.
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Ask them to silently answer the following questions:
“Based on what we have learned today, are you truly dedicated to the Lord?”
“Have you dedicated your resources to the Lord, or are you holding something back?”
“Have you dedicated your heart to the Lord, or does something else hold first place?”
“Have you dedicated your behavior to the Lord, or do you do and say whatever you please?”
Allow a moment for silent prayer, and then voice a pray of repentance and dedication.
CONCLUSION: Tell the students that in Matthew 22:37 Jesus described true dedication to the Lord this way: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” Encourage everyone to commit their resources, heart, and behavior to the Lord Jesus every day this week.
[i] All definitions from
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