June 14, 2020 – Revelation 2 – 3
Lesson Date: June 14, 2020
Focal Scripture Passage: Revelation 2:1 – 3:22
AIM: To lead students to identify the praise and rebuke Jesus expressed to the churches of Asia, and to examine their lives to determine if they deserve praise or rebuke from Jesus Christ.
Before class: Read the notes on Revelation 2 – 3 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get enough copies of the “Letters to Seven Churches” worksheet for your anticipated attendance. Have some pens or pencils available for any students who might need one.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Tell the following story (or a similar one) to the class:
When Greg went to the doctor for a physical examination he was confident he would receive a good report. Even though he was in his early fifties, he looked much younger. His many years of smoking had not seemed to cause him any problems. He prided himself on his physical activity and trim figure, and often bragged about his fast metabolism: “I can eat anything and I won’t gain an ounce.”
After completing tests and a physical exam, Greg met with the doctor for a personal consultation. The doctor began by praising Greg for his youthful appearance, low body fat, and active lifestyle. This pleased Greg, but then the doctor said, “Greg, I’ve got some bad news for you.” He went on to tell Greg that his cholesterol was sky high, as was his blood pressure. He scolded Greg for his smoking and bad diet.
The doctor finally said, “Greg, unless you stop smoking immediately and drastically change your eating habits, you’re headed for a heart attack and other physical problems.”
Ask the class: “Do you think Greg heeded the doctor’s advice?” After members give their opinions, ask: “Have you ever known anyone who received a warning like that, but did not follow the doctor’s instructions? Did you think that was wise?”
Tell the students in this week’s lesson we will study messages Jesus sent to seven churches in Asia Minor (modern Turkey – locate on the map). Jesus expressed praise for many of the churches, but He also pointed out problems in most of them.
- Review.
- Remind the students that we are studying the book of Revelation.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (descriptions of Jesus).
- Ask if any volunteer would be willing to recite last week’s memory verse (Rev. 1:3).
- Remind the class that Jesus promised to bless those who read and study the book of Revelation. Encourage them to follow the Daily Bible Reading Guide in their Sunday School Member Quarterly and come to Sunday School every week.
- Give everyone a copy of the “Letters to Seven Churches” worksheet (and a pen or pencil if needed).
- Ephesus.
- Ask a volunteer to read Revelation 2:1-7.
- Locate Ephesus on the map.
- Remind the students that the “angel” (literally messenger) of the church is its pastor.
- Read the identity of Jesus from the worksheet (the sender of the letter: From).
- Ask: “According to verses 2, 3, and 6, what did Jesus praise the church for?” (their labor, patience, purity, and perseverance; click here to see the completed worksheet). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Ask: “According to verse 4, what problem did Jesus point out in the church?” (they had left their first love). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Read the Warning, Admonition, and Promises to Overcomers from the worksheet.
- Summarize: Jesus praised the church at Ephesus for their hard work and perseverance, but He rebuked them for leaving their first love for Him. It is possible to be busy working in the church without being in love with Jesus Christ.
- Smyrna.
- Ask a volunteer to read Revelation 2:8-11.
- Locate Smyrna on the map.
- Read the identity of Jesus from the worksheet (From).
- Ask: “According to verse 9, what did Jesus praise the church for?” (their endurance in the face of persecution and their spiritual wealth). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Ask: “According to verse 9, what problem did Jesus point out in the church?” (they tolerated blasphemy). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Read the Warning, Admonition, and Promises to Overcomers from the worksheet.
- Summarize: Jesus praised the church at Smyrna for standing strong in the face of persecution, but He rebuked them for tolerating false doctrine. It is possible to be stronger in faith than we are in doctrine. We must be strong in both.
- Pergamos.
- Read Revelation 2:12-17.
- Locate Pergamos on the map.
- Read the identity of Jesus from the worksheet (From).
- Ask: “According to verse 13, what did Jesus praise the church for?” (they held fast to their faith in spite of Satan’s attacks). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Ask: “According to verses 14-15, what problem did Jesus point out in the church?” (some of them took part in false doctrine, idolatry, and immorality). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Read the Warning, Admonition, and Promises to Overcomers from the worksheet.
- Summarize: Jesus praised the church at Pergamos for holding to their faith when Satan attacked, but He rebuked them for allowing false doctrine and immorality in their church. False doctrine and immorality always go together.
- Thyatira.
- Read Revelation 2:18-29.
- Locate Thyatira on the map.
- Read the identity of Jesus from the worksheet (From).
- Ask: “According to verse 19, what did Jesus praise the church for?” (their charity, service, faith, patience, and works). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Ask: “According to verses 20-23, what problems did Jesus point out in the church?” (false doctrine, immorality, idolatry). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Read the Warning, Admonition, and Promises to Overcomers from the worksheet.
- Summarize: Jesus praised the church at Thyatira for their love and good works, but He rebuked them for tolerating false doctrine, immorality, and idolatry. It is possible to do good works in the flesh while holding wrong beliefs.
- Sardis.
- Ask a volunteer to read Revelation 3:1-6.
- Locate Sardis on the map.
- Read the identity of Jesus from the worksheet (From).
- Ask: “What did Jesus praise the church for?” (nothing). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Stress the fact that Jesus had no words of praise for the church at Sardis.
- Ask: “According to verse 1, what problem did Jesus point out in the church?” (they had a good reputation, but they were spiritually dead). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Read the Warning, Admonition, and Promises to Overcomers from the worksheet.
- Summarize: Jesus rebuked the church at Sardis for having a good reputation while in actuality being spiritually dead. Activity and reputation does not equal true spiritual life.
- Philadelphia.
- Ask a volunteer to read Revelation 3:7-13.
- Locate Philadelphia on the map.
- Read the identity of Jesus from the worksheet (From).
- Ask: “According to verses 8-10, what did Jesus praise the church for?” (their strength, faithfulness, love, and patience). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Ask: “What problems did Jesus point out in the church?” (none). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Tell the students that Philadelphia is the only one of the seven churches for which Jesus had no words of rebuke.
- Read the Warning, Admonition, and Promises to Overcomers from the worksheet.
- Summarize: Jesus praised the church at Philadelphia for their strength, faithfulness, love, and patience. He urged them to hold fast to the good things they had and were doing. We should do the same.
- Laodicea.
- Read Revelation 3:14-22.
- Locate Laodicea on the map.
- Read the identity of Jesus from the worksheet (From).
- Ask: “What did Jesus praise the church for?” (nothing). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Tell the class that like the church at Sardis, Jesus had no words of praise for the church at Laodicea.
- Ask: “According to verses 15-17, what problems did Jesus point out in the church?” (they were lukewarm and spiritually blind). Ask them to write this on their worksheet.
- Read the Warning, Admonition, and Promises to Overcomers from the worksheet.
- Summarize: Jesus rebuked the church at Laodicea for being lukewarm and spiritually blind, but He also gave the cure for this condition: remember God’s love, repent of our sin, and get serious about living for Jesus.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: From the completed “Letters to Seven Churches” worksheet, review the words of praise Jesus spoke to the churches. Ask: “Do those words of praise describe your Christian life? Could Jesus say those same things to you?” If so, that is cause for rejoicing and thankfulness.
Review the problems Jesus addressed in the churches. Ask: “Could Jesus say those same things to you? Are some of those problems present in your life?” If so, that indicates a need to repent and ask for God’s forgiveness.
Referring to the completed worksheet again, tell the students that Jesus gave warnings to each of the churches and urged everyone to hear and do what He said. He even promised rewards to those who do. Ask: “If you were to stand before the Lord today would He praise you or would He have to point out problems in your life?”
Remind the class of the story you told in the introductory step. Tell them it would be foolish to ignore your doctor’s stern warning, but it is much more foolish to ignore Jesus’ warnings. Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Urge them to repent of their sins and recommit to following Jesus faithfully each day. Voice a closing prayer.
CONCLUSION: Tell the students to ask Jesus to help them live their life this week in a way that pleases Him, relying on God’s enabling power. Tell them next Sunday we will get a glimpse of God’s throne room in heaven.
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