July 12, 2020 – Revelation 8 – 9
Lesson Date: July 12, 2020
Focal Scripture Passage: Revelation 8:1 – 9:21
AIM: To lead students to discover the unimaginable torment God will send upon lost humanity through the first six trumpet judgments and the response of men to those judgments, and to commit to respond in the right way when troubles come into their lives.
Before class: Read the notes on Revelation 8 – 9 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. The six “seal” envelopes you used two weeks ago should still be posted somewhere in your classroom. Have the “Seventh Seal” envelope available for use in this lesson. Seal a copy of the teaching notes for step 2 (below) in the envelope. Write or print the word “Discipline” on a large sheet of paper and the word “Disaster” on another. Draw a grid on the marker board or chalkboard (similar to the example at the end of this lesson plan) in which to fill in information about the six trumpet judgments. If possible, bring some sort of trumpet to class. This could be a ram’s horn or shofar, a toy or decorative trumpet (like you might see in Christmas decorations), or a modern trumpet. Show it to the students when the angels blow their trumpets.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Hold up the large sheet of paper with the word “Discipline” on it. Ask: “What is disciple?” (the students may describe it as punishment or training). Ask: “What is the purpose of discipline?” (to train or change behavior through the use of consequences).
Ask: “What are some examples of using consequences to train or change behavior?” (parents training children, humans training animals, consequences for improper or inadequate behavior at school or in the workplace, and traffic tickets). Tell the students that discipline works because we do not want to experience negative consequences, so we change our behavior to avoid them.
Ask: “What would you think of someone who is repeatedly punished but never changes their behavior?” (they are unwise, uncontrollable, and stupid). Tell the class some criminals are repeatedly jailed for the same offenses. They serve their time, get out, and then commit the same crimes again. Someone who will not respond to punishment may be referred to as ungovernable, unruly, unmanageable, stubborn, or incorrigible. Such a person is hopeless until they are willing to change.
Tell the students in today’s lesson we will see God unleash unimaginable judgment and torment upon lost people during the Tribulation and how they respond to God’s judgment. We will also examine ourselves to see if we respond the right way.
- Review.
- Remind the students that we are studying the book of Revelation.
- Direct their attention to the six “seal” envelopes posted in your classroom. Remind them that two weeks ago (chapter 6) we learned about Christ opening six of the seven seals on the scroll.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (God’s care for His children; the 144,000 sealed Jews on earth and the innumerable multitude of Gentiles in heaven).
- Ask if any volunteer would recite last week’s memory verse (Rev. 7:17).
- The Seventh Seal – Silence, then Seven Trumpets.
- Open the “Seventh Seal” envelope and take out the teaching notes for this step.
- Ask a volunteer to read Revelation 8:1-2.
- Ask: “What happened when Jesus opened the seventh seal?” (there was silence in heaven for a short time, after which seven angels were given trumpets).
- Read Revelation 8:3-6.
- Tell the students that another angel offered up incense and the prayers of the saints ( 5:8; 6:10) on the altar in heaven. The smoke of the offering went up before God.
- Ask: “What did that angel do with the censer filled with fire?” (threw it down to earth).
- Ask: “What happened when the angel threw the censer?” (there were voices, thunder, lightning, and an earthquake).
- Tell the students these things indicate that horrific judgment is coming.
- Ask: “What did the seven angels do?” (prepared to blow their trumpets).
- Post the “Seventh Seal” envelope with the other six envelopes.
- Summarize: During the Tribulation, the opening of the seventh seal will usher in the seven trumpet judgments.
- The First Trumpet.
- Ask a volunteer to read Revelation 8:7.
- Ask: “What happened when the first angel sounded his trumpet?” (hail and fire mingled with blood were cast upon the earth, causing a third of the trees and all the grass to burn up).
- Write these things on the board (see the example below).
- Ask the students to suggest ways such destruction would impact the world.
- Tell the class the trumpet judgments are partial judgments, affecting a third of creation.
- Summarize: During the Tribulation God will send hail, fire, and blood upon the earth, destroying a third of the trees and all the grass.
- The Second Trumpet.
- Read Revelation 8:8-9.
- Ask: “What happened when the second angel sounded his trumpet?” (a great burning mountain was cast into the sea, a third of the sea became blood, a third of the sea creatures died, and a third of the ships were destroyed).
- Write these things on the board (see the example below).
- Ask the students to suggest ways such destruction would impact the world.
- Summarize: During the Tribulation God will cause a third of the sea to turn to blood, a third of the sea creatures to die, and destroy a third of the world’s ships.
- The Third Trumpet.
- Ask a volunteer to read Revelation 8:10-11.
- Ask: “What happened when the third angel sounded his trumpet?” (a great burning star named Wormwood fell upon a third of the rivers and springs, causing a third of the world’s fresh water to be poisoned, killing many people).
- Write these things on the board (see the example below).
- Ask the students to suggest ways such destruction would impact the world.
- Summarize: During the Tribulation God will cause a third of the world’s fresh water to become poisonous, killing many people.
- The Fourth Trumpet.
- Read Revelation 8:12-13.
- Ask: “What happened when the fourth angel sounded his trumpet?” (a third of the sun, moon, and stars were darkened, day and night were shortened or darkened, and an angel announced the coming of the three woes).
- Write these things on the board (see the example below).
- Ask the students to suggest ways this would impact the world.
- Summarize: During the Tribulation God will cause a third of the sun, moon, and stars to be darkened, and even more terrible judgments will follow.
- The Fifth Trumpet.
- Ask a volunteer to read Revelation 9:1-3.
- Ask: “What happened when the fifth angel sounded his trumpet?” (a “star” fell to earth who was given the key to the bottomless pit; when he opened it hoards of locusts came out and covered the earth).
- Explain that this “star” is Satan and the “locusts” are demons that have been held captive in the bottomless pit (Luke 8:31; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 1:6).
- Read Revelation 9:4-12.
- Ask: “According to verses 4-5, what will these demons do?” (torment humans who do not have God’s seal on their foreheads; in other words, lost people).
- Ask: “How long will these demons torment lost people?” (five months).
- Write these things on the board (see the example below).
- Ask the students to suggest ways this would impact the world.
- Briefly describe the demons based on verses 7-10.
- Tell the class the ruler of the demons is either Satan or one of his higher-ranking subordinates. Explain that Abaddon and Apollyon are the Hebrew and Greek words that mean “destroyer.”
- Note that verse 12 says this is the 1st Two more are coming.
- Ask: “According to verse 6, how will the lost people on earth respond to these things?” (they will want to die but will not be able to).
- Tell the students that instead of turning to the Lord in repentance and faith, the lost people on earth during the Tribulation will want to die. They will hope to escape torment through death, not realizing that if they died they would go immediately to hell’s torment.
- Summarize: During the Tribulation God will allow Satan to free multitudes of demons that have been captives in the bottomless pit. Those demons will torment lost people.
- The Sixth Trumpet.
- Tell the class the 2nd woe is described in verses 13-19.
- Read Revelation 9:13-19.
- Ask: “What happened when the sixth angel sounded his trumpet?” (four demons that had been bound in the Euphrates River were freed; they unleashed an army of 200 million demonic horsemen who killed a third of the people on earth).
- Write these things on the board (see the example below).
- Explain that these four “angels” are demons. The 200,000,000 horsemen are also demons.
- Ask: “According to verse 18, how do they kill people?” (with fire, smoke, and brimstone; they also hurt people with their serpent-like tails).
- Remind the students that a quarter of the people on earth will be killed when the fourth seal was opened ( 6:8). Now another third will be killed. By this point in the Tribulation earth’s population will be less than half what it was!
- Ask a volunteer to read Revelation 9:20-21.
- Ask: “How will the lost people who survive these terrible things respond to God’s judgment?” (they will not repent; they will continue in their idolatry and sin).
- Summarize: During the Tribulation God will allow demons to run wild, killing a third of the people on earth.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Tell the students today’s lesson includes some of the most severe judgments mankind and the earth will ever experience. Vegetation and sea life will be destroyed, shipping will be disrupted, poisonous water will kill many, heavenly bodies will be darkened, and people will be tormented and killed by demons. Billions of people will die due to the judgments we have read about today.
Ask: “How will the lost who survive these torments respond? Will they recognize their sinfulness and beg God for mercy?” (no, they will refuse to repent and will even try unsuccessfully to kill themselves).
Hold up the large sheet of paper with the word “Disaster” on it. Ask: “How do people respond when disaster strikes? What kinds or responses do we see when a job is lost, or a home is destroyed by a tornado, or a loved one is tragically killed?” (everyone is heartbroken, but some respond with anger or bitterness while others respond by trusting God).
Tell the students that disasters and tragedies can be used by God to draw Christians closer to Him. Christians can grow and flourish through tragedy, but lost people often become bitter and angry toward God. A crisis can either make us better or bitter, depending on our view of God’s purpose and sovereignty.
Ask: “How will you respond when setbacks, crises, misfortunes, and calamities come your way? Will you trust God to know what is best even when you cannot understand, or will you become angry and bitter?”
Tell the students that is the choice we face whenever bad things happen. Urge them to commit to respond in the right way when troubles come into their lives. Lead a closing prayer of commitment to trust God in difficult times, seeking to grow through them and be a witness to others.
CONCLUSION: Ask everyone to memorize Romans 8:38-39. Tell them to try to honor God in the midst of any troubles they might experience this week.
1st Trumpet | 8:7 | Hail, fire, & blood; 1/3 of trees and all grass burned up. |
2nd Trumpet | 8:8-9 | Great burning mountain cast into the sea; 1/3 of sea became blood, 1/3 of sea creatures died, 1/3 of ships destroyed. |
3rd Trumpet | 8:10-11 | Great burning star (Wormwood) fell on 1/3 of fresh water, poisoning many people |
4th Trumpet | 8:12-13 | 1/3 of the sun, moon, and stars darkened, day and night shortened, announcement of the coming three woes. |
5th Trumpet | 9:1-12 | Satan opens the bottomless pit, freeing multitudes of demons that will torment lost people. This is the 1st woe. |
6th Trumpet | 9:13-21 | Four demons loosed from the Euphrates River unleash an army of 200 million demonic horsemen that kill 1/3 of mankind. This is the 2nd woe. |
7th Trumpet | 11:15-19 |
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