January 28, 2018 – Titus 3:1-15
Lesson Date: January 28, 2018
Focal Scripture Passage: Titus 3:1-15
AIM: To lead students to write their personal salvation testimony, and to give any who are not saved an opportunity to receive Christ.
Before class: Read the notes on Titus 3:1-15 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Enlist a class member to share his or her personal testimony at the beginning of class. Be sure the class member tells: (1) what his or her life was like before salvation, (2) how they came to accept Christ as Savior, and (3) how their life is different now. Get enough copies of the “My Personal Testimony” handout for your anticipated attendance, along with some pens or pencils for any that might need one.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Ask the previously enlisted class member to share his or her personal testimony. Tell the class that Jesus Christ makes a difference in our lives.
- Review.
- Remind the students that we are studying the New Testament books of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus.
- Timothy and Titus were young pastors. Paul wrote them to give advice and counsel.
- Remind the class that Paul left Titus on the island of Crete (locate Crete on the map) to correct errors and appoint elders in every city.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (living according to sound doctrine).
- Ask if any volunteer would be willing to recite last week’s memory verse (Titus 2:12).
- Ask: “Has your behavior adorned the doctrine of Jesus Christ this week?”
- Life Before Receiving Jesus Christ.
- Ask a volunteer to read Titus 3:1-2.
- Ask: “Who are we supposed to obey?” (civil and governmental authorities).
- Ask: “What does this make us ready to do?” (good works).
- Explain that if you are a lawbreaker you cannot effectively do good works in Jesus’ name.
- Ask: “According to verse 2, how should we treat others?” (with kindness and meekness).
- Ask the class to listen for descriptions of the behavior of lost persons, as you read Titus 3:3.
- Ask them to describe the things listed in that verse.
- Give everyone a copy of the “My Personal Testimony” handout (and a pen or pencil if needed).
- Remind the students of the testimony shared at the beginning of the lesson. Part of that testimony dealt with the person’s life before receiving Jesus Christ.
- Ask: “What was your life like before receiving Jesus Christ?” (answers will vary).
- Ask them to write some words or phrases on their handout that describe their lives before they were saved.
- Give them 1-2 minutes to do this.
- Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior.
- Tell the class that Titus 3:4-6 describe how we are saved.
- Ask a volunteer to read those verses.
- Ask the students what those verses say about how we are saved (salvation is a result of God’s kindness, love, and mercy, NOT our works; God washes us, regenerates us, and renews us with an abundant supply of the Holy Spirit).
- Ask: “What kind of good works can a person do to be saved?” (none – compare 2:8-9).
- Stress the fact that salvation is a gift of God’s grace, NOT the result of our works.
- Tell the students if they are trusting in their goodness to get them to heaven they will be sadly
- Remind the students of the testimony shared at the beginning of the lesson. Part of that testimony dealt with when and how the person came to accept Jesus Christ.
- Ask: “When and how did you come to accept Jesus Christ?” (answers will vary).
- Ask them to write some words or phrases on their handout that describe when and how they accepted Jesus Christ as Savior.
- Give them 1-2 minutes to do this.
- Changes Since Receiving Jesus Christ.
- Ask the class to listen for changes that take place in our lives after we are saved as you read the rest of the chapter.
- Read Titus 3:7-15.
- Ask: “What are some things that change when we receive Jesus Christ as Savior?” (we are justified by God’s grace, we are made heirs of eternal life, we will maintain a lifestyle of good works, and we will avoid foolish talk and heretics).
- Stress the fact that WE ARE NOT SAVED BY GOOD WORKS (verse 5), but ONCE WE ARE SAVED WE WILL DO GOOD WORKS (verses 8 & 14).
- Remind the students of the testimony shared at the beginning of the lesson. Part of that testimony dealt with how the person’s life changed after receiving Jesus Christ.
- Ask: “How is your life different since you received Jesus Christ?” (answers will vary).
- Ask everyone to write some words and phrases on their handout that describe how their lives are different since they trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior.
- Give them 1-2 minutes to do this.
- Tell the class that verses 9-11 tell us certain things we should avoid once we have been saved.
- Ask everyone to silently read those verses.
- Ask: “What should we avoid?” (foolish questions, contentions, meaningless arguments about religion, and those who are divisive heretics).
- Tell the class verses 9 and 14 also tell us something we should maintain after we are saved.
- Ask everyone to silently read those verses.
- Ask: “What must we maintain?” (good works).
- Ask: “Is your life marked by foolish questions and divisiveness, or by good works?”
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Ask everyone to look at his or her completed “My Personal Testimony” handout. Tell them that this is their personal salvation testimony. Ask if anyone would like to share theirs with the class, and allow 1 or 2 volunteers to do so.
Tell the class that many people in church are trying to work their way to heaven by good works. The problem is that NO ONE will ever get to heaven that way. Someone in this classroom may be trying to do that. Someone here may not really have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Someone here may have filled out their testimony handout, while deep down knowing there has never been a change in their life.
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Briefly share the plan of salvation (you can use the verses printed on the back of the Sunday School Member Quarterly to do this). Tell the students if any of them have never truly trusted Jesus for salvation they can do so right now. Tell them to confess their sin, acknowledge Jesus as Lord, and ask Him to save them right now. Lead a closing prayer.
When everyone raises their heads, tell them that if any of them received Christ this morning they should tell someone right away. Encourage them to make a public profession of their faith this morning in church.
CONCLUSION: Ask everyone to Memorize Titus 3:5. Remind them that believers should maintain good works. Urge them to live like believers this week.
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