Baby Shower for Randy and Emily George

College & Career Building 422-B Northside Drive, Valdosta, GA, GA, United States

Attention Ladies of Morningside!! Morningside Baptist Church ladies are celebrating the upcoming birth of a baby girl to Randy and Emily George. The celebration will be held on Saturday, January 27 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the College & Career Building. All ladies of Morningside are invited and encouraged to attend this momentous occasion and take this opportunity to celebrate life and celebrate a new addition to our church family. Emily is registered at Toys R Us, Walmart and Amazon.

Collingsworth Family

Worship Center 425 Connell Road, Valdosta, GA, United States


College & Career Fellowship

College & Career Building 422-B Northside Drive, Valdosta, GA, GA, United States

Games! Food! Friends! Fun!

Young at Heart

Fellowship Hall 2604 Bemiss Road, Valdosta, United States

Widows Luncheon

Fellowship Hall 2604 Bemiss Road, Valdosta, United States

By reservation only.


The cost is $10.00. Sign-up NOW! The deadline to sign-up is Wednesday, February 7. Please invite your friends. They are free!