Sunday School Bible Study Online

Join us online for a time of Bible study led by our Minister of Education Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Web - Vimeo - morningsidebaptist Facebook - MorningsideBaptistChurchValdosta

Morning Worship Online

Join us online for a time of worship, special music from our Chancel Choir and Orchestra, and a Bible message from our Pastor Sunday at 10:30 p.m. Vimeo - morningsidebaptist Facebook - MorningsideBaptistChurchValdosta

Evening Worship Online

Join us online for a time of worship, special music from our Chancel Choir and Orchestra, and a Bible message from our Pastor Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Web - Vimeo - morningsidebaptist Facebook - MorningsideBaptistChurchValdosta

Drive-In Church

Join us on the Worship Center parking lot for a Drive-In Easter service. Worship from the comfort and safety of your car.  You will be able to listen to the service through your vehicle's FM radio. Please note the following guidelines: Remain in your vehicle at all times. No restrooms will be available. No childcare will be provided.  Click here for more information.

Drive in Church

Join us on the Worship Center parking lot for a Drive-In Mother's Day service. Worship from the comfort and safety of your car.  You will be able to listen to the service through your vehicle's FM radio. Please note the following guidelines: Remain in your vehicle at all times. No restrooms will be available. No childcare will be provided. 

Options Now Virtual Fundraising Event

We are in an ever-changing time right now. As you know, Options Now’s dinner banquet was postponed due to COVID-19. Our board determined that a virtual banquet would be an exciting way to bring you our clinic update and our guest speaker, Rebekah Hagan. This virtual event will happen on May 19th @ 6:30 pm on our website, Facebook: ONValdosta Becky Deas Options Now Executive Director

Drive in Church

Join us on the Worship Center parking lot for a Drive in Church service. Worship from the comfort and safety of your car.  You will be able to listen to the service through your vehicle's FM radio. Please note the following guidelines: Remain in your vehicle at all times. No restrooms will be available. No childcare will be provided. 

In-House Worship

Worship Center 425 Connell Road, Valdosta, GA, United States

The Morningside Baptist Church Elders and Staff provide the following as helpful information to our members and friends as we return to “In House Worship” on Sunday June 21, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. in the Worship Center. In keeping with the state’s recommended “best practices,” Morningside will re-open with the following guidelines: If you have any concerns about your immune system or your current state of health, you are encouraged not to attend. If you have been tested for the Coronavirus and are waiting for the results, you cannot attend. All seating is open seating unless reserved in advance. Those who desire to remain socially distanced will need to call the church office by Thursday, June 18, at noon to request the number of reserved seats you will need. The wearing of face masks is encouraged but not required. Hand sanitizer will be available in the Worship Center lobby. Restrooms will be open and available. Childcare will not be available. Campus shuttles will not be running and ushers will not be parking cars. We ask everyone to be especially sensitive to others with your personal greeting as some will desire to shake hands and others will not. As always, remember to, “Submit yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” (Eph. 5:21) Morningside Baptist Church implemented an “Infectious Disease Policy,” more than two decades ago, (March 1998) which applies at all times. The policy states in part: “Any person infected with a communicable disease is asked not to attend church activities. This applies to persons of all ages, and to leaders, teachers and workers as well as to members. The infected person should not attend church until he or she is no longer contagious. A person who attends any church function showing signs of infection or if he/she begins...

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