December 22, 2024 – John 1:1-18, 29
Lesson Date: December 22, 2024
Focal Scripture Passage: John 1:1-18, 29
AIM: To lead students to discover facts about the coming of Jesus Christ, and to encourage them to take advantage of opportunities afforded by the Christmas season to tell others about Jesus.
Before class: Read the notes on John 1:1-18, 29 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Bring a simple nativity (or a picture of one) to class. Set it up at the front of the classroom.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Welcome everyone to class and wish them Merry Christmas. Direct their attention to the nativity (or picture). Ask them to identify the characters represented in the nativity scene.
Tell the students that nativity scenes are a common sight at this time of year. Tell them most people enjoy seeing the depiction of sweet baby Jesus lying in the manger with Mary and Joseph nearby: but for many people, their understanding of Jesus ends at the manger.
Ask: “Is that all people need to know about Jesus, just that He was born as a baby and laid in a manger? Is that all they need to know to become Christians?” (no).
Ask: “What else do people need to know about that baby in the manger?”
Tell the class that the title of today’s lesson is The Arrival of the Savior. Tell them we will discover or be reminded of some very important facts about the coming of Jesus Christ, facts that we should be prepared to share with others.
- Review.
- Tell them that since Christmas is this week, today we are departing from our study of Romans to study John 1.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (Accept the Savior; we discovered that through the witness of the Bible, salvation by faith is available to anyone who will accept it).
- Ask if any volunteer would recite last week’s memory verse (Romans 10:14).
- Jesus is God.
- Ask a volunteer to read John 1:1-2.
- Ask: “When was the beginning?” (the start of the universe, before anything was created).
- Ask: “What existed at the beginning?” (the Word).
- Ask: “What do these verses tell us about the Word?” (the Word has always existed, is with God, and is Himself God).
- Ask: “Who is the Word?” (Jesus).
- Explain the following to clarify this fact:
- John 1:14 (which we will read later in this lesson) says, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
- Revelation 19:1, speaking of Jesus’ return at the end of the age, says, “And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His name is called The Word of God.”
- Read John 1:18.
- Ask: “Who has revealed the Father to us?” (His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ).
- Tell the class since Jesus the Savior existed at the beginning, that means He was not created.
- Summarize: The Savior, Jesus Christ, is God and has always existed.
- Jesus is the Creator and Giver of Life.
- Ask a volunteer to read John 1:3.
- Ask: “What does this verse tell us about Jesus?” (He is the Creator who made everything that exists).
- Ask: “What is there that Jesus did not create?” (nothing).
- Ask a volunteer to read John 1:4-5.
- Ask: “What does verse 4 tell us about Jesus?” (He is the source of all life and light).
- Explain the following:
- In the ongoing abortion debate, people often question when life actually begins.
- This verse answers that question.
- All life began with Jesus and has continued uninterrupted ever since creation.
- That means a baby in the womb possesses life because it is a continuation of the life that began with Jesus.
- Ask: “Verse 5 says the light of Jesus shined in darkness; could the darkness understand or overcome Jesus’ light?” (no).
- Summarize: The Savior, Jesus Christ, created everything and is the source of all life and light.
- Jesus Came to Earth.
- Read John 1:6-9.
- Tell the class that verses 6-8 speak of John the Baptist (who was not the same person who wrote the Gospel of John).
- Ask: “According to verses 7-8, what was John the Baptist’s mission?” (to bear witness of the True Light, Jesus the Savior).
- Ask: “What did Jesus the True Light do?” (He came into the world to make His light available to everyone; in other words, He manifested or revealed Himself to the world).
- Ask a volunteer to read John 1:10.
- Ask: “Jesus came into the world He created, but did the world recognize who He was?” (no).
- Ask a volunteer to read John 1:14 (which you previously read in step 2).
- Ask: “What did the Word (Jesus the Savior) do?” (He came into the world and lived among us).
- Tell the class that Jesus took upon Himself human flesh and lived among us.
- Ask: “What did He reveal during His years on earth?” (the glory of God, grace, and truth).
- Summarize: The Savior, Jesus Christ, came into the world He created and revealed Himself as God in human flesh.
- Jesus Saves and Adopts Those Who Believe.
- Ask a volunteer to read John 1:11-12 (which you have also read in the previous two lessons from Romans).
- Ask: “Jesus was born a Jew and came to the Jewish people, but how does verse 11 say they responded to Him?” (most did not believe or receive Him).
- Ask: “According to verse 12, what did He do for those who received Him?” (made them sons of God).
- Ask: “What did they have to do to receive that blessing?” (believe on His name).
- Ask a volunteer to read John 1:13.
- Tell the students verse 13 makes it clear that salvation does not come as a result of one’s ancestry, will, or works of the flesh, but only as a gift of God.
- Read John 1:15-17.
- Tell the class these verses tell us that John the Baptist bore witness that Jesus was coming.
- Ask: “Verse 17 says the Law came through Moses, but what comes by way of Jesus?” (saving grace and true understanding of God’s Word).
- Summarize: The Savior, Jesus Christ, saves everyone who sincerely believes in Him, and adopts them as sons of God.
- Jesus Came to Free Us From Sin.
- Explain the following:
- John the Baptist warned people to repent because the kingdom of heaven was at hand.
- He also told about the coming Messiah (Jesus).
- As he did these things, people asked him if he was the Messiah.
- John the Baptist made it clear that he was not the Christ, but was sent to prepare the way for Him.
- Ask a volunteer to read John 1:29.
- Ask: “What did John say when He saw Jesus?” (he identified Jesus as the Lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world).
- Stress the fact that Jesus’ mission on earth was not merely to heal people, do miracles, and preach sermons, but it was to die on the cross to pay the sin debt of those who receive Him by faith, freeing them from the penalty of their sins.
- Tell the class Jesus stated His mission in Luke 19:10, when He said, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost”
- Summarize: The Savior, Jesus Christ, came to be the sacrificial Lamb of God to pay for our sins.
- Explain the following:
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Remind the students that the title of today’s lesson is The Arrival of the Savior. Direct their attention once again to the nativity (or picture). Remind them that for many people, their understanding of Jesus ends at the manger.
Tell the students we have discovered the following important facts about Jesus the Savior:
- Jesus is God.
- Jesus is the Creator and giver of all life.
- Jesus came to Earth.
- Jesus saves and adopts those who believe.
- Jesus came to free us from sin.
Tell the class that most people do not know these important facts, but at Christmastime people are more open to speaking and hearing about Jesus than at any other time of the year.
Ask: “Will you be around any unsaved friends or family members at Christmas?” Tell them to ask God to give them opportunities and boldness to tell others about Jesus, the Savior who is God, the Creator, who came to earth to save and adopt those who receive Him by faith.
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Tell them to talk to God right now about telling others about the arrival of the Savior. Allow a moment for silent prayer, and then voice a closing prayer.
CONCLUSION: Ask everyone to memorize Romans 10:15, and to look for opportunities to tell others about the arrival of the Savior.
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