December 10, 2017 – 1 Timothy 2:1-15
Lesson Date: December 10, 2017
Focal Scripture Passage: 1 Timothy 2:1-15
AIM: To lead students to discover and list biblical instructions for how godly people should behave, and to apply those instructions to their personal lives.
Before class: Read the notes on 1 Timothy 2:1-15 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Tell the class there once was a popular television show called “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.” The show depicted the lavish lifestyles of wealthy people.
Ask: “How would you describe the lifestyle of rich and famous people?” Allow time for several responses, and then tell the class we have some general ideas what that lifestyle might look like. Ask: “Would you be surprised to learn that a very wealthy person was living in a broken-down shack and barely had enough food to eat?” (certainly). Point out that those descriptions seem completely out of character for someone who is very wealthy.
Ask: “If there was a TV show about the ‘Lifestyles of Godly Men and Women,’ what kind of things do you think it would include? In other words, how would you describe the lifestyle and behavior of a godly man or woman? What would their lifestyle look like?” Allow time for some responses.
Ask: “Don’t answer out loud, but who comes to mind when you think of a godly man or woman?”
Tell the class this is the important question for today: “Would you like people to describe you as a godly person?” Today’s lesson contains some biblical instructions for how we can live like godly people should.
- Review.
- Remind the class that we have just begun a study of the New Testament books of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus.
- Give a Sunday School Member Quarterly to anyone who doesn’t have one.
- Remind the class that the Apostle Paul left young Timothy in Ephesus to straighten out some problems in the church(locate Ephesus on the map).
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (false doctrine and true doctrine).
- Ask if any volunteer would recite last week’s memory verse (1 Tim. 1:5).
- Godly People.
- Write “Marks of Godly People” as a heading across the top of the marker board or chalkboard.
- Read 1 Timothy 2:1.
- Ask: “What is the first thing godly people should do?” (pray).
- Write Prayer on the board.
- Explain the meanings of the four different words used to describe prayer:
- Supplication = request for personal needs.
- Prayer = any type request, perhaps made in public.
- Intercession = praying on someone else’s behalf; acting as a “go-between.”
- Giving of thanks = thanking God for His many blessings.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Timothy 2:2-3.
- Ask: “Who should we pray for?” (all men, but especially for those in authority).
- Ask: “Why should we pray for these people?” (it will bless our own life and it is pleasing to God).
- Read 1 Timothy 2:4-7.
- Tell the students these verses contain a second description of godly people – they are committed to evangelism.
- Write Evangelism on the board.
- Explain that the word all in verses 4 and 6 refers to all types of people regardless of their race, sex, nationality, religious background, social standing, or financial status.
- Verse 4 says salvation brings one to the truth, which is Jesus Christ (see John 14:6).
- Ask: “According to verse 5, what is Jesus Christ?” (our mediator).
- Ask: “According to verse 6, what did Jesus do for us?” (gave Himself as a ransom).
- Explain that in verse 7 Paul said he had been called by God to take the truths of the gospel to the Gentiles, a group that was hated and rejected by the Jews.
- Because of what Jesus has done for us, we cannot limit our outreach and evangelism to any one type of people; we must reach out to all types of people.
- Summarize: Godly people are known by their prayer life and evangelism. Ask: “How does your life compare to that standard?”
- Godly Men.
- Tell the class the next verse specifically addresses godly men.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Timothy 2:8.
- Ask: “What does this verse tell men to do?” (pray).
- Comment that Prayer is already on our list on the board, but then ask: “HOW does this verse say men should pray?” (with holy hands, without wrath or doubting).
- Tell the class another mark of godly men is purity.
- Write the word Purity on the board.
- Tell the class the Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to write this verse the way he did because men can easily be impure, angry, and lack faith.
- Summarize: Godly men are known by their prayer life and purity. Ask: “How does your life compare to that standard?”
- Godly Women.
- Tell the class the rest of the chapter addresses godly women.
- Read 1 Timothy 2:9-10.
- Ask: “What is the characteristic described in these verses?” (modesty).
- Write Modesty on the board.
- Tell the class that there are many different opinions about what is modest and what is not.
- Explain that verse 9 does not mean that braided hair, gold, pearls, or costly garments are inherently evil. These words described the dress of the prostitutes who lived in Ephesus in the First Century.
- Tell the class there are two guiding principles described in these verses:
- A godly woman will not dress down to the standards of the world or copy the attire of ungodly people.
- The true adorning of a godly woman is not her apparel, but her godly behavior.
- A godly woman should not attract attention to herself by her clothing; the thing that should attract attention to her is her godly character and good works.
- Ask a volunteer to read 1 Timothy 2:11-12.
- Ask the class to name the second characteristic of a godly woman (a quiet, submissive attitude in church).
- Write Submission on the board.
- Explain the following:
- Women are not to be the outspoken rulers of the church.
- Women are not supposed to exercise authority over or teach men.
- Women are to teach other women (Titus 2:4) and children.
- Tell the class this principle honors and preserves God’s order for the home.
- Ask: “Are these ideas popular in our modern culture?” (no; many would regard them as antiquated, sexist, and discriminatory).
- Tell the class God has a reason for the instructions He gives us in the Bible. He doesn’t just make up arbitrary rules to spoil our fun. The next verses give the reason for this biblical principle.
- Read 1 Timothy 2:13-15.
- Explain the following:
- Eve was created after Adam (verse 13) and from Adam’s body (Gen. 2:21-22).
- She was deceived by Satan and led Adam into sin (verse 14; see also Gen. 3:1-24)
- Verse 15 is somewhat difficult to understand, because when we see the word saved in the Bible we think of salvation in terms of eternal redemption – being born again.
- In this instance, however, the word saved simply means that the godly woman will be preserved and protected through the process of child bearing.
- Summarize: Godly women are known by their modesty and submission. Ask: “How does your life compare to that standard?”
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Use the list on the board to review the marks of godly people. The lifestyle of godly people should be marked by Prayer, Evangelism, Purity, Modesty, and Submission. If Christians actually lived this way the world would be a better place.
Ask: “How do you measure up to those standards? Do any areas need improvement?”
Ask the following questions for personal evaluation:
“Do you pray regularly?”
“Do you pray for civil leaders and church leaders?”
“Are you praying for any specific lost people?”
MEN: “Is your life marked by prayer?”
“Is purity a hallmark of your character?”
LADIES: “Do you dress modestly?”
“Do you adorn yourself with godliness and good works?”
“Are you submissive to authority in the home and at church?”
Ask: “Here’s the really important question: Do you want to be a godly person?”
Tell the class the first step in adding a godly character quality to their life is to recognize the lack of that quality. They have completed that step. The second step is to ask God to build that character quality into their life. Now is the time to take that second step. Encourage everyone to silently pray, asking God to build any missing character qualities into their lives. Voice a closing prayer.
CONCLUSION: Encourage everyone to memorize 1 Timothy 2:1-2 and to live like a godly person this week.
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