
October 28, 2018 – John 7:1-53

Lesson Date: October 28, 2018 Focal Scripture Passage: John 7:1-53 AIM: To lead students to discover some of the many and varied opinions people held of Jesus during His earthly ministry, and to decide for themselves what they believe about Jesus’ identity.   Before class: Read the notes on John 7:1-53 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get enough copies of the “Differing Opinions” worksheet for your anticipated attendance. Be sure to have some pens or pencils on...

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October 21, 2018 – John 6:1-71

Lesson Date: October 21, 2018 Focal Scripture Passage: John 6:1-71 AIM: To lead students to discover that some people followed Jesus out of a sincere spiritual hunger given to them by the Heavenly Father while others followed Him out of selfish motives, and to examine their own hearts to determine why they are following Jesus.   Before class: Read the notes on John 6:1-71 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Prepare the index cards described below in the...

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October 14, 2018 – John 5:15-47

Lesson Date: October 14, 2018 Focal Scripture Passage: John 5:15-47 AIM: To lead students to discover six ways Jesus is equal to God as well as four witnesses that prove His equality with God, and to respond to these truths by either accepting Jesus as their Savior or planning to tell someone else about Jesus this week.   Before class: Read the notes on John 5:15-47 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get enough copies of “The Jerusalem...

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October 7, 2018 – John 4:43 – 5:14

Lesson Date: October 7, 2018 Focal Scripture Passage: John 4:43 – 5:14 AIM: To lead students to describe two miracles Jesus performed and the effect those miracles had on the people involved, and to demonstrate their trust in God’s miracle-working power by asking for God’s miraculous intervention in their lives.   Before class: Read the notes on John 4:43 – 5:14 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. If you or someone in your class knows how to pull...

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September 30, 2018 – John 4:1-42

Lesson Date: September 30, 2018 Focal Scripture Passage: John 4:1-42 AIM: To lead students to recognize that Jesus went out of His way and into a situation most Jews would avoid in order to reach people with the Gospel, and to commit themselves to doing the same to reach those who need to know Jesus Christ as Savior.   Before class: Read the notes on John 4:1-42 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.   INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness):...

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September 23, 2018 – John 3

Lesson Date: September 23, 2018 Focal Scripture Passage: John 3:1-36 AIM: To lead students to describe what it means to be born again, and to respond to this truth by either receiving Christ as their Savior or committing to share the Good news of Jesus Christ with a lost friend.   Before class: Read the notes on John 3:1-36 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Enlist some students to read the statements described below in the “Introduction” step...

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September 16, 2018 – John 2

Lesson Date: September 16, 2018 Focal Scripture Passage: John 2:1-25 AIM: To lead students to discover two things Jesus did to identify Himself as the Messiah, and to examine themselves to decide if their behavior gives evidence that they are truly Christians.   Before class: Read the notes on John 2:1-25 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.   INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Tell the students that in a short time we will all leave Sunday School class and...

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September 9, 2018 – John 1:19-51

Lesson Date: September 9, 2018 Focal Scripture Passage: John 1:19-51 AIM: To lead students to discover several different ways Jesus Christ was identified, and to accept His sacrificial death as the sufficient price to pay for their sins.   Before class: Read the notes on John 1:19-51 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Bring your driver’s license to class. Have enough copies of the “Who is Jesus Christ?” worksheet for your anticipated attendance. Have some pens or pencils...

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September 2, 2018 – John 1:1-18

Lesson Date: September 2, 2018 Focal Scripture Passage: John 1:1-18 AIM: To lead students to discover the identity and mission of Jesus Christ and how people responded to Him, and to encourage them to respond to Him in faith.   Before class: Read the Introduction to John and the notes on John 1:1-18 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.   INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Ask the students if they have ever seen the TV program, “Undercover Boss.”  If...

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August 26, 2018 – Zephaniah 3:1-20

Lesson Date: August 26, 2018 Focal Scripture Passage: Zephaniah 3:1-20 AIM: To lead students to discover that the Lord has wonderful future plans for those who place their trust in Him, and to encourage everyone to personally place or renew their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.   Before class: Read the notes on Zephaniah 3 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Write “The Best is Yet to Come” on the marker board or chalkboard.   INTRODUCTION (Create...

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