
October 13, 2019 – Hebrews 6:20 – 7:28

Lesson Date: October 13, 2019 Focal Scripture Passage: Hebrews 6:20 – 7:28 AIM: To lead students to discover why Jesus Christ had to come as a priest after the order of Melchizedek, and to commit to offer the gift of salvation through Christ to others.   Before class: Read the notes on Hebrews 6:20 – 7:28 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get enough copies of the handout of Abraham’s Family Tree for your anticipated attendance. Gather some products...

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October 6, 2019 – Hebrews 5:11 – 6:19

Lesson Date: October 6, 2019 Focal Scripture Passage: Hebrews 5:11 – 6:19 AIM: To lead students to discover that Christ’s superior salvation (1) enables us to grow past the stage of being spiritual babies and (2) provides a secure anchor for our eternity, and to respond to those truths with confession, commitment, and determination to move on toward spiritual maturity.   Before class: Read the notes on Hebrews 5:11 – 6:19 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get...

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September 29, 2019 – Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10

Lesson Date: September 29, 2019 Focal Scripture Passage: Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10 AIM: To lead students to discover ways Jesus Christ is superior to earthly high priests, and to thank the Lord Jesus for being our superior, sinless, Savior.   Before class: Read the notes on Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Enlist a volunteer to look up Genesis 14:17-21 and be prepared to read it to the class when called upon. Go over...

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September 22, 2019 – Hebrews 4:1-13

Lesson Date: September 22, 2019 Focal Scripture Passage: Hebrews 4:1-13 AIM: To lead students to discover five important truths about salvation available through faith in Jesus Christ, and to give any who are not saved the opportunity to trust Christ for salvation.   Before class: Read the notes on Hebrews 4:1-13 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.   INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Tell the following to the class: Some offers seem too good to be true. You have...

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September 15, 2019 – Hebrews 3

Lesson Date: September 15, 2019 – Back to Church Sunday Focal Scripture Passage: Hebrews 3:1-19 AIM: To lead students to discover and describe the serious consequences that befell the ancient Israelites when they refused to obey God, and to encourage adults to believe God so they do not grieve Him.   Before class: Read the notes on Hebrews 3 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Write the following question on the marker board or chalkboard: “Do you learn...

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September 8, 2019 – Hebrews 2

Lesson Date: September 8, 2019 Focal Scripture Passage: Hebrews 2:1-18 AIM: To lead students to discover the superior humility exhibited by Jesus Christ, and to either (1) thank Him for humbling Himself so they could be saved, or (2) humble themselves and trust Christ for salvation.   Before class: Read the notes on Hebrews 2 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Locate and bring to class some pictures or news stories about the president or other elected official...

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September 1, 2019 – Hebrews 1

Lesson Date: September 1, 2019 Focal Scripture Passage: Hebrews 1:1-14 AIM: To lead students to describe ways Jesus Christ is superior to prophets, angels, and creation; and to thank Him that He is superior and be prepared to tell others about Christ’s superiority.   Before class: Read the notes on Hebrews 1 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Write the word “Superior” on the marker board or chalkboard.   INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct the class’ attention to...

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August 25, 2019 – Malachi 3:1-6; 4:1-6

Lesson Date: August 25, 2019 Focal Scripture Passage: Malachi 3:1-6; 4:1-6 AIM: To lead students to discover and list predictions God made through the prophet Malachi along with the specific fulfillment of several of those predictions, and to give them the opportunity to express to God their belief that the other predictions will come true in the future.   Before class: Read the notes on Malachi 3:1-6 and 4:1-6 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get enough copies...

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August 18, 2019 – Malachi 3:7-18

Lesson Date: August 18, 2019 Focal Scripture Passage: Malachi 3:7-18 AIM: To lead students to discover what God said about those who rob Him and the instructions and promises He gave concerning tithing, and to confess the sin of robbing God and commit to obeying Him in the area of giving.   Before class: Read the notes on Malachi 3:7-18 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book (NOTE: next week’s lesson covers verses 1-6 of chapter 3, as well...

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August 11, 2019 – Malachi 2

Lesson Date: August 11, 2019 Focal Scripture Passage: Malachi 2:1-17 AIM: To lead students to discover factors of Israel’s moral climate that God rebuked, and to examine themselves to see if any of those same factors are present in their own lives   Before class: Read the notes on Malachi 2 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Gather some news articles concerning hatred, violence, the emptiness of false religion, profanity, divorce, and public approval of evil behavior. Write...

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