
July 19, 2020 – Revelation 10 – 11

Lesson Date: July 19, 2020 Focal Scripture Passage: Revelation 10:1 – 11:19 AIM: To lead students to recognize that God is in complete and sovereign control of future events, and to encourage them to repent of their sins and ask for His merciful forgiveness so they will be ready to face Him one day.   Before class: Read the notes on Revelation 10 – 11 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. The seven “seal” envelopes you have used...

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July 12, 2020 – Revelation 8 – 9

Lesson Date: July 12, 2020 Focal Scripture Passage: Revelation 8:1 – 9:21 AIM: To lead students to discover the unimaginable torment God will send upon lost humanity through the first six trumpet judgments and the response of men to those judgments, and to commit to respond in the right way when troubles come into their lives.   Before class: Read the notes on Revelation 8 – 9 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. The six “seal” envelopes you...

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July 5, 2020 – Revelation 7

Lesson Date: July 5, 2020 Focal Scripture Passage: Revelation 7:1-17 AIM: To lead students to discover that God exercises protective care over His children on earth and He will eventually take them to heaven where they will experience His ultimate and eternal care, and to trust God for that protection and thank Him for it.   Before class: Read the notes on Revelation 7 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Print the text of Ephesians 4:30 and 2...

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June 28, 2020 – Revelation 6

Lesson Date: June 28, 2020 Focal Scripture Passage: Revelation 6:1-17 AIM: To lead students to discover some of the terrible judgments God will unleash upon the earth during the Tribulation and the reaction of lost humanity to those judgments, and to examine themselves to see if they are trying to hide any sins from God.   Before class: Read the notes on Revelation 6 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get seven envelopes. These can be white letter-size...

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June 21, 2020 – Revelation 4 – 5

Lesson Date: June 21, 2020 Focal Scripture Passage: Revelation 4:1 – 5:14 AIM: To lead students to recognize that Jesus Christ is the righteous and ultimate Judge of the universe, and to encourage them to examine their lives to see if they are ready to face Jesus the Judge.   Before class: Read the notes on Revelation 4 – 5 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get a gavel to bring to class. If you can’t get a...

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June 14, 2020 – Revelation 2 – 3

Lesson Date: June 14, 2020 Focal Scripture Passage: Revelation 2:1 – 3:22 AIM: To lead students to identify the praise and rebuke Jesus expressed to the churches of Asia, and to examine their lives to determine if they deserve praise or rebuke from Jesus Christ.   Before class: Read the notes on Revelation 2 – 3 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Get enough copies of the “Letters to Seven Churches” worksheet for your anticipated attendance. Have some...

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June 7, 2020 – Revelation 1

Lesson Date: June 7, 2020 Focal Scripture Passage: Revelation 1:1-20 AIM: To lead students to create a description of the glorified Christ whom John encountered on the island of Patmos, and to examine themselves to determine if they have ever had a genuine saving encounter with Jesus Christ.   Before class: Read the notes on Revelation 1 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Have enough copies of the “Descriptions of Jesus Christ” worksheet for your anticipated attendance. Be...

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May 31, 2020 – Daniel 9 – 12

Lesson Date: May 31, 2020 Focal Scripture Passage: Daniel 9:1-27; 11:36-37; 12:1-4 AIM: To lead students to discover what Daniel did to better understand God’s Word, and to encourage them to use those same methods to increase their understanding of the Bible.   Before class: Read the notes on Daniel 9 – 12 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Enlist some volunteers who are comfortable reading aloud to look up the following verses and be prepared to read...

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May 24, 2020 – Daniel 7

Lesson Date: May 24, 2020 Focal Scripture Passage: Daniel 7:1-28 AIM: To lead students to recognize that God is ultimately in charge of history, and to discuss ways this truth can help them as they face the uncertainties of daily life.   Before class: Read the notes on Daniel 7 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Draw a timeline on the marker board or chalkboard.   INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Ask: “A year ago today, how many of...

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May 17, 2020 – Daniel 4 – 6

Lesson Date: May 17, 2020 Focal Scripture Passage: Daniel 4:4-6, 24-27, 30-37; 5:1-6, 18-23, 25-31; 6:7-9, 14-17, 20-28 AIM: To lead students to discover the results of pride in the lives of three kings, and to examine themselves for signs of pride so they can confess their sin to God.   Before class: Read the notes on Daniel 4 – 6 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Write the following as a header across the top of the...

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