
April 10, 2022 – Deuteronomy 12 – 17

Lesson Date: April 10, 2022 Focal Scripture Passage: Deuteronomy 12:1-7; 16:1-17; 17:1 AIM: To lead students to discover the guidelines God gave the Israelites concerning their worship, and to determine how those guidelines apply to us.   Before class: Read the notes on Deuteronomy 12 – 17 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.  Get enough copies of the “Worship” worksheet for your anticipated attendance.  Gather a few items associated with church worship services, such as a hymnbook, an...

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April 3, 2022 – Deuteronomy 7 – 11

Lesson Date: April 3, 2022 Focal Scripture Passage: Deuteronomy 7:1-6; 8:18-20; 9:4-6; 10:12-17; 11:22-28 AIM: To lead students to discover some requirements God placed on the ancient Israelites and discuss the relevance of those requirements to modern Christians, and to accept those requirements and commit to trying to fulfill them.   Before class: Read the notes on Deuteronomy 7 – 11 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.  Write the following words (in random order) on the marker board...

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March 27, 2022 – Deuteronomy 6

Lesson Date: March 27, 2022 Focal Scripture Passage: Deuteronomy 6:1-25 AIM: To lead students to discover and describe the heart of God’s Law, and to commit themselves to loving and obeying Jesus Christ fully.   Before class: Read the notes on Deuteronomy 6 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.  Write the follow phrases (or similar ones) on the marker board or chalkboard: “The Heart of the Matter;” “In a Nutshell;” “The Bottom Line;” and “Getting Down to Brass...

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March 20, 2022 – Deuteronomy 5

Lesson Date: March 20, 2022 Focal Scripture Passage: Deuteronomy 5:1-21, 32-33 AIM: To lead students to memorize the Ten Commandments, and to commit to obeying them.   Before class: Read the notes on Deuteronomy 5 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.  Get enough copies of the “Ten Commandments” worksheet for your anticipated attendance.  Bring some blank half sheets of paper and pens or pencils for the introductory activity.   INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Give everyone a blank half...

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March 13, 2022 – Deuteronomy 4

Lesson Date: March 13, 2022 Focal Scripture Passage: Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 9-13, 23-40 AIM: To lead students to discover and list the five things God warned the Israelites not to forget, and to decide how those warnings relate to their lives.   Before class: Read the notes on Deuteronomy 4 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.  Have enough copies of the “Take Heed … Lest Thou Forget” study guide for your anticipated attendance.  Have some pencils or pens available. ...

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March 6, 2022 – Deuteronomy 1 – 3

Lesson Date: March 6, 2022 Focal Scripture Passage: Deuteronomy 1:3-8, 25-32; 2:14-18, 30-35; 3:1-3, 21-22 AIM: To lead students to discover that God was always faithful to the Israelites even though they were often unfaithful to Him, and since the same is true of our lives, to commit themselves to trusting God’s promises rather than their own human reasoning.   Before class: Read the notes on Deuteronomy 1 – 3 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.  Use those...

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February 27, 2022 – Matthew 27:45 – 28:20

Lesson Date: February 27, 2022 Focal Scripture Passage: Matthew 27:45 – 28:20 AIM: To lead students to verbalize the three essential elements of the Gospel, and to encourage them to make a commitment to share those three facts with someone during the coming week.   Before class: Read the notes on Matthew 27:45 – 28:20 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.  Write the word “Gospel” on the marker board or chalkboard.   INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct the...

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February 20, 2022 – Matthew 26:57 – 27:44

Lesson Date: February 20, 2022 Focal Scripture Passage: Matthew 26:57 – 27:44 AIM: To lead students to discover facts about Jesus’ hasty trials and crucifixion, and to thank Him for willingly going to the cross to purchase their salvation.   Before class: Read the notes on Matthew 26:57 – 27:44 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.  Locate a picture of a courtroom and post it on a focal wall in the classroom.   INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct...

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February 13, 2022 – Matthew 26:1-56

Lesson Date: February 13, 2022 Focal Scripture Passage: Matthew 26:1-56 AIM: To lead students to discover the events surrounding Jesus’ betrayal and arrest and why those events happened, and to thank Him for enduring those things so they could be saved.   Before class: Read the notes on Matthew 26:1-56 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.  Write or print the following scripture references on small pieces of paper or index cards: Matthew 17:22-23; Matthew 20:18; Matthew 26:24; Acts...

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February 6, 2022 – Matthew 24:32 – 25:46

Lesson Date: February 6, 2022 Focal Scripture Passage: Matthew 24:32 – 25:46 AIM: To lead students to discover five things they should do to prepare for the certain return of Jesus Christ, and to make some concrete plans concerning how to do those things.   Before class: Read the notes on Matthew 24:32 – 25:46 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book.  Write or print the five instructions (the bold words in the bullet points of the “Personal Application”...

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