April 30, 2023 – Psalms 84; 127; 128
Lesson Date: April 30, 2023
Focal Scripture Passage: Psalm 84:1-12; 127:1-5; 128:1-6
AIM: To lead students to discover four things the Bible says we must do to find true happiness, and to encourage them to actively start doing those things this week.
Before class: Read the notes on Psalms 84; 127; and 128 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Do an Internet search for “how to be happy,” to familiarize yourself with some of the things the world recommends to achieve happiness. Write the word “Happy” on the board.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct the students’ attention to the word “Happy” written on the board or screen. Ask: “What are some things that make you happy?” Allow time for some responses. Ask: “Wouldn’t you agree that everyone wants to be happy?”
Tell the class the desire for happiness is one of the greatest driving forces in America today; in fact, is so ingrained in who we are as Americans that our founders wrote in the Declaration of Independence, almost 250 years ago, that we are endowed with the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Ask: “What are some things people think will bring them happiness?” Allow time for responses.
Tell the students this universal desire for happiness is evidenced by the fact that bookstores and the Internet are filled with plans and steps to achieve happiness. OPTION: Ask the students to take out their phones and do an Internet search for “how to be happy,” then ask them to share some of the search results. State that it is obvious that everyone wants to be happy.
Tell the class the title of today’s lesson is Finding True Happiness. Erase the board and write that lesson title as a header across the top of the board. Ask: “Do you want to be happy?” Tell them today’s lesson includes four things we must do if we want true happiness.
- Review.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (Two Paths, contrasting the walk and fate of the righteous with that of the ungodly).
- Ask if any volunteer would recite last week’s memory verses (Ps. 1:1-2).
- Dwell With the Lord.
- Ask a volunteer to read Psalm 84:1-2.
- Explain the following:
- The word amiable means beloved.
- The word tabernacle refers to a tent or dwelling place.
- The word Lord in upper case letters is God’s personal name Yahweh (or Jehovah).
- The word hosts refers to God’s armies.
- To the ancient Jews, God lived in His tabernacle or Temple; it was His dwelling place.
- Ask: “How did the psalmist feel about God’s house?” (he loved it).
- Ask: “How does verse 2 describe the psalmist’s desire for God’s house.” (he had great longing and emotional and physical yearning for it).
- Tell the students the ancient Jews felt they had to be in the Temple to meet with God.
- Ask a volunteer to read Psalm 84:3-4.
- Ask: “Why did the psalmist envy the birds?” (they made nests and lived in and around the Temple courtyards; in other words, they were there all the time).
- Ask: “According to verse 4, what must we do to be blessed (happy)?” (dwell with the Lord).
- Below the heading “Finding True Happiness” on the board, write “Dwell With the Lord.”
- Ask: “What do you think it means to dwell with the Lord? Do we need to live at church and sleep on the pews?”
- After students offer some answers, remind them that everyone who truly knows Jesus Christ as Savior is indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God.
- Explain that to dwell with the Lord means:
- Have His Spirit living within as a result of our personal salvation, and
- Yield to His control and Lordship.
- Ask: “Do you want to be happy?”
- Summarize: To find true happiness, we must dwell with the Lord by knowing Jesus as Savior and yielding to Him as Lord of our lives.
- Depend Upon the Lord.
- Read Psalm 84:5-12.
- Ask: “According to verse 5, who is happy (blessed)?” (the person who realizes his strength comes from God).
- Explain that this involves understanding our weakness and depending on the Lord for strength.
- Ask: “According to verse 12, who is happy?” (the person who trusts in the Lord).
- Tell the class that recognizing our need for God and trusting God may both be referred to as depending on the Lord.
- Below the heading “Finding True Happiness,” write “Depend Upon the Lord.”
- Ask: “What do you think it means to depend on (trust) the Lord?”
- Explain the following:
- Depending on the Lord means not depending on ourselves.
- To truly depend on the Lord we must recognize that we are weak and need God’s help.
- A proud or “self-made” person will never be truly happy because he or she will never depend on the Lord.
- If time permits, tell the class the following from verses 6-11:
- Verse 6 – God provides for us.
- Verse 7 – God gives us strength.
- Verse 8 – God hears our prayers.
- Verse 10 – Ask: “Where did the psalmist want to be?” (in God’s house).
- Ask: “Do you want to be happy?”
- Summarize: To find true happiness, we must depend upon the Lord by recognizing our weakness and His sufficiency.
- Build Your Home and Your Life Upon the Lord.
- Ask a volunteer to read Psalm 127:1-5.
- Ask: “In verse 1 the psalmist said two things were vain (pointless, useless, empty) without the Lord. What are those two things?” (building a house and guarding a city).
- Ask: “Do you think the word house refers only to a physical building?” (no).
- Ask: “What does it mean?” (a home, a family).
- Explain the following:
- A building must have a firm foundation or it will not stand.
- Our homes must be built upon the foundation of the Lord.
- Apart from God’s protection we are utterly defenseless.
- A good work ethic is important, but verse 2 says hard work is useless without the Lord.
- Christians ought to be the best employees on any job.
- Ask: “According to verse 3, where do children come from?” (the Lord).
- Ask: “According to verse 5, who is happy?” (the person with children).
- Tell the class that since children are gifts from God, we should value and protect them, beginning at conception.
- Below the heading “Finding True Happiness,” write “Build Your Home and Your Life Upon the Lord.”
- Ask: “What do you think it means to build your home and your life upon the Lord?” (rely on Him, do what He says, follow the guidelines laid down in the Bible for life and family, do things God’s way).
- Ask: “Do you want to be happy?”
- Summarize: To find true happiness, we must build our home and our entire life upon the Lord by relying on Him and obeying Him.
- Fear the Lord and Obey Him.
- Read Psalm 128:1-6.
- Ask: “Who does verse 1 say is happy (blessed)?” (the person who fears the Lord and walks in His ways).
- Ask: “What do you think it means to fear the Lord?” (to have reverence and respect for Him, recognizing that He is all-powerful and we are utterly powerless; to obediently submit to Him).
- Explain that God’s ways are the ways He has told us to live; in other words His commands and instructions. To walk in God’s ways is to obey
- Below the heading “Finding True Happiness,” write “Fear the Lord and Obey Him.”
- Ask: “What are some ways we reverence and obey God in our daily lives?”
- Tell the class the rest of Psalm 128 identifies blessings the person who fears and obeys God will experience.
- The students should identify the following:
- Verse 2 – adequate provision, happiness, and well-being.
- Verses 3-4 – when your heart is right with God, He will bless your family.
- Verse 5 – blessings upon your people/nation.
- Verse 6 – long life and peace in your land.
- Ask: “Do you want to be happy?”
- Summarize: To find true happiness, we must fear the Lord (respect Him and have reverence for Him) and obey His instructions.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Direct everyone’s attention once again to the words “Finding True Happiness” written on the board. Tell them that everyone wants to be happy. This lesson has revealed four things we must do to be truly happy. Read those four things written on the board. If we want to find true happiness, we must do those four things.
Ask: “Are you dwelling with the Lord?” Explain that to dwell with the Lord, we must trust Jesus Christ as our Savior. Ask: “Have you done that?” State that dwelling with the Lord also means yielding to His control as Lord (ruler, master) of our life.
Ask: “Do you depend upon the Lord?” Explain that to depend on the Lord, we must realize we can’t do it alone. We must acknowledge our need of Him.
Ask: “Are you building your home and your life upon the Lord?” Explain that to build our home and life upon the Lord means making Him the foundation of everything we do.
Ask: “Do you fear the Lord and obey Him?” Explain that to fear the Lord is to respect and honor Him, obeying what He says.
Ask: “Do you want to be truly happy?”
Remind the students that the world has lots of advice about how to be happy. Ask: “Do you think you should follow the world’s advice or the Lord’s advice?” (the Lord’s).
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Encourage everyone to tell the Lord right now that they want to (1) dwell with Him, (2) depend on Him, (3) build their life upon Him, and (4) fear and obey Him. Tell them to ask Him to help them do those things so they can be happy and blessed. Voice a closing prayer.
CONCLUSION: Encourage everyone to actively start doing those four things this week. Ask everyone to memorize Psalm 127:1.
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