April 18, 2021 – Exodus 12
Lesson Date: April 18, 2021
Focal Scripture Passage: Exodus 11:4-5; 12:12, 21-36, 51
AIM: To lead students to discover and describe the importance of the blood on the first Passover, and to examine themselves to be sure they are under the blood of our Passover lamb, Jesus Christ.
Before class: Read the notes on Exodus 12 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Draw a simple picture of a house on the marker board or chalkboard. This drawing does not have to be elaborate: simply draw a square, draw a peaked roof on top of the square, and then add a door and windows on the front.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct the students’ attention to the picture of a house you have drawn on the board. Ask: “How many of you live in a house, apartment, or other permanent structure?” (everyone will answer affirmatively). Ask: “How many of you have a roof on your home?” (again, everyone will answer affirmatively). Next, ask: “Why does your home have a roof? What does the roof do?” (it keeps out the rain and other weather).
Tell the class that a properly functioning roof forms a protective covering for the home and those inside. Draw a few raindrops above the house. Tell the class if they are inside the house and it is raining outside, they will not get wet. The protective covering of the roof will keep them dry and safe.
Next, draw a stick figure outside the house. Ask: “What will happen if you are outside the house when it is raining?” (you will get wet). Ask: “Why will you get wet?” (because you are no longer under the protective covering of the roof).
Stress the fact that those inside will remain dry and safe, but anyone who refuses to come inside under the roof’s protective covering will get soaking wet. Tell the class there is no law requiring people to come inside when it rains, but those who choose to stay outside will get wet. The roof’s protective covering is available, but if we prefer to remain outside we will not experience the benefits it affords.
Tell the students today’s lesson is about the first Passover and the protective covering God made available for the children of Israel. We’ll also learn how that protective covering applies to us today. The title of today’s lesson from Exodus 12 is Christ, Our Passover.
- Review.
- Remind the class that God called Moses to go back to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to release the Israelites from bondage.
- Ask: “What happened in last week’s lesson?” (struggles with the world: God sent nine terrible plagues upon the Egyptians, but Pharaoh still refused to let them go).
- Ask if any volunteer would recite last week’s memory verse (1 John 4:4).
- God’s Sentence Upon the Egyptians.
- Read Exodus 11:4-5 and 12:12.
- Ask: “What was God going to do to the Egyptians?” (kill all their firstborn).
- Ask: “Who would be affected by this terrible plague?” (all the Egyptians regardless of their social status, as well as all their animals).
- Summarize: God pronounced a death sentence upon all the Egyptians. This would be the final plague, after which Pharaoh would free the Israelites.
- God’s Protective Covering for the Israelites.
- Read Exodus 12:21-22.
- Ask: “Who did Moses call together?” (the elders of Israel).
- Tell the class that Moses gave instructions to these key leaders, who would then tell the rest of the Israelites what to do.
- Ask: “According to verse 21, what was each family supposed to do with its Passover lamb?” (kill it).
- Ask: “What were the Israelites supposed to do with the lamb’s blood?” (paint its blood on the doorposts and lintel of their homes).
- Explain that in Exodus 12:3-11 God gave more details about this. Each family was to eat the lamb together as a special Passover meal in their home.
- Ask: “What was the final instruction God gave them at the end of verse 22?” (they were not to go out of their homes all that night).
- Ask a volunteer to read Exodus 12:23.
- Ask: “What was the Lord going to do?” (pass through the land to kill the firstborn of the Egyptians).
- Ask: “What would happen when He saw the blood on their door posts and lintel?” (He would pass over their houses so their firstborn children would not die).
- Stress the fact that as long as the Israelites remained inside their homes with the blood on the doorposts they would be safe, but if they went outside without the protection of the blood they would die.
- Read Exodus 12:24-28.
- Tell the students that God commanded the Israelites to repeat this Passover ritual each year. This would remind them of God’s protection on that special night long ago and also provide an opportunity to teach their children. Faithful Jews still observe Passover to this day.
- Ask: “Did the Israelites obey the Lord’s commands?” (yes).
- Summarize: God promised to protect the Israelites who put the blood of the Passover lamb on their doorposts and stayed inside their homes.
- The Results of God’s Actions.
- Ask a volunteer to read Exodus 12:29-30.
- Tell the class at midnight the Lord killed all the firstborn of the Egyptians.
- Ask: “How widespread were the deaths?” (it touched every house, from Pharaoh all the way down to the prisoners; it even affected their livestock).
- Read Exodus 12:31-33.
- Ask: “What did Pharaoh do?” (he summoned Moses and told him to take all the Israelites and their livestock out of Egypt immediately).
- Ask: “According to verse 33, why were the Egyptians in such a hurry to get the Israelites out of Egypt?” (they feared God would kill them all).
- Read Exodus 12:34-36.
- Tell the students that the children of Israel left hurriedly.
- Ask: “According to verse 35, what did the Israelites ask from the Egyptians?” (silver, gold, and valuable clothing).
- Ask: “How did the Egyptians respond to this request?” (they gave the Israelites everything they requested).
- Tell the class that in one night the Lord transformed Israel from a poor nation of slaves to a wealthy nation of free people.
- Ask a volunteer to read Exodus 12:51.
- Tell the students that very night the Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt.
- Summarize: God killed all the firstborn of Egypt but spared the Israelites who had obediently put the blood of the Passover lamb on their doorposts.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Direct the students’ attention once again to your drawing of a house on the board. Remind them that the roof forms a protective covering that protects those inside the house from the rain. Point to your stick man, and tell the class anyone who remains outside the protection of the roof during a rainstorm will get wet.
Ask: “What was the importance of the blood on the door posts and lintel of the houses of the Israelites?” (it protected them from the destroyer so their firstborn did not die).
Erase the raindrops above the house and make some marks beside and above the door. Tell the students those marks represent the blood God told the Israelites to put on their doorposts and lintel. Explain that the blood formed a protective covering for the ancient Jews, keeping them safe from the destroyer who killed all the firstborn of Egypt. Point to the stick man again, and tell the class if an Israelite refused to stay in the house covered by the blood on that first Passover night he would have been unprotected from the destroyer. If he were a firstborn child he would die just like the unprotected Egyptians.
Stress the fact that thousands of lambs died that night to protect Israelites from death. Ask: “Had those lambs done anything wrong?” (no). Ask: “Why did innocent lambs die?” (so their blood could be a protective covering to spare the Israelites from death). Tell the students that just as those lambs were innocent, the Bible makes it clear that Jesus never sinned (2 Cor. 5:21).
Ask everyone to turn to the New Testament and find 1 Corinthians 5:7. Read that verse, especially emphasizing the last part. Tell the students that the Passover lamb in today’s lesson represents the Lord Jesus Christ, whom the Bible calls, “our Passover.” Just as the ancient Jews were only protected from death if they remained inside behind the lamb’s protective blood, we are only protected from eternal death in hell if we have placed ourselves under the protective covering of Jesus’ blood.
Ask: “How do we do that? How can we be protected by the blood of Jesus?” Tell the students we must confess (admit) our sins, repent of (turn away from) them, and place our trust for eternity in Jesus Christ and nothing else.
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Ask them to silently and privately examine themselves to see if they are under the blood of our Passover lamb, Jesus Christ. If they are, they should thank Jesus for dying for them. If they are not, they should repent of their sins and turn to Jesus right now. Voice a closing prayer.
CONCLUSION: Ask everyone to memorize 1 Corinthians 5:7. Tell them to look for an opportunity this week to tell someone that just as the blood of the Passover lamb protected the ancient Jews from death, the blood of Jesus Christ protects believers from eternal death in hell.
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