September 17, 2017 – Bible Doctrine # 3 – God
Survey of Bible Doctrine, Week 3 – Who Is God?
I. God: Who is He?
- God is one (monotheism) – Deuteronomy 6:4; Mark 12:28-29
- God is a spirit – John 1:18; 4:24
- God is a personal being – Exodus 3:14; Isaiah 55:8-9; John 3:16; Daniel 4:35; Genesis 1:1
- God is a trinity – 2 Corinthians 13:14; John 16:7-15
- God is the creator of everything – Colossians 1:16; John 1:3
- God is the sustainer of everything – Colossians 1:17
Lesson Date: September 17, 2017
Focal Scripture Passage: Genesis 1:1; Exodus 3:14; Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 55:8-9; Daniel 4:35; Mark 12:28-29; John 1:3, 18; 3:16; 4:24; 16:7-15; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Colossians 1:16-17
AIM: To lead students to describe who God is by finding what the Bible says about Him, and to yield themselves to God as part of His creation – made by Him and for Him.
Before class: Have enough copies of the Study Guide and the lesson outline handout for your anticipated attendance. Have some pens or pencils for those who might need one. Write the word “God” near the top of the marker board or chalkboard.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Hold up your driver’s license. Ask the students what it is. Tell them this license permits you to legally operate an automobile. Ask: “What else do we use a driver’s license for?” (identification).
Tell the students to turn to the person beside them and identify themselves to that person without using their name. After they have done this, say: “Many people may share your name, but there is only one person on earth who is uniquely you. The same is true of God.”
Direct the class’ attention to the word “God” written on the board. Ask: “Who is God?” After some responses, tell the class most people on earth have some concept of somebody they refer to as “god.” When we say God we mean one thing, but the Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, humanist, or pantheist means something entirely different. In today’s lesson, we will try to better identify our God – the God of the Bible.
HEART OF THE LESSON (Central Truth):
- Review.
- Ask the class what last week’s lesson was about (general revelation and special revelation).
- Give each student a copy of the Study Guide (and a pen or pencil if needed).
- Tell them today we will identify God by finding what the Bible says about Him.
- Since the Bible is God’s Word (week 1 of the doctrine study), and almost everything we know about Him is what He has revealed to us (week 2 of the doctrine study), the Bible is the resource we use to identify who God is.
- NOTE: You could teach this lesson by dividing the class into pairs or small groups and assigning portions of the Study Guide to each group. That is not the approach of this lesson plan.
- Work Through the Study Guide.
- Read the scripture verses (or ask for a volunteer to read them) listed under item 1 on the study guide.
- Ask the questions under item 1 and give the students time to answer them.
- Encourage them to write their answers on the blanks provided.
- Add the word “is” and a colon to the right of the word “God” on the board so it reads “God is:”
- Below this heading write the word “One.”
- Tell the class there is no other true God besides the God of the Bible. There is only one true God.
- Follow this same procedure for the remainder of the Study Guide.
- After item 2, write the word “Spirit” on the board.
- Stress the fact that God is not confined to a human body, like we are. He is limitless and He is invisible.
- After item 3, write the word “Personal” on the board.
- Stress the fact that God is not some impersonal force. He has a personality and displays the attributes of a person.
- After item 4, write the word “Trinity” on the board.
- Stress the fact that God reveals Himself to us in three persons. The three persons (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) make up what we call the Godhead.
- After item 5, write the word “Creator” on the board.
- Tell the class that the origin of the universe is one of the most hotly debated issues of the last hundred years, but the Bible is clear that God created everything. This truth proves that evolution is a lie.
- After item 6, write the word “Sustainer” on the board.
- Stress the fact that God holds the universe together and maintains its existence. Without His sustaining power the entire universe would vaporize into nothing.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Using the six words written on the board, briefly review what the students have discovered about who God is. Tell them just as our driver’s license identifies who we are, these six things tell us who God is. Give each student a copy of the lesson outline handout.
Tell the class that after discovering these truths, we must next consider the implications of these truths for our individual lives. Ask the following questions:
“Are you a part of God’s creation?” (yes).
“Did God create you?” (yes).
“Is God keeping you alive this very minute?” (yes).
“Why did God create you?” (God created each of us to bring Him glory).
“If God created you to glorify Him, is your life bringing glory to God? If not, why not?”
Tell the class that sin, rebellion, and disobedience prevent us from glorifying God as we should. The sobering question is this: “If God created me to bring glory to Him but I am not living a life that glorifies Him, what good am I to God?” This lesson ought to bring us to confession of sin, repentance, and total commitment of all that we have and are to God. He made us. He owns us. We have no “rights” except the right to obey and serve God.
Say: “If your life doesn’t glorify God, repent of your sins and ask His forgiveness right now. If you are right with God, then do all you can this week to glorify Him.” Lead a closing prayer of repentance and commitment.
CONCLUSION: Encourage everyone to memorize John 1:3. Suggest that as they observe nature this week they should thank God for His glorious creation and for their life. Remind everyone to do the Daily Bible Readings each day and to read and answer all the questions in their Sunday School Member Quarterly. Urge them to attend Sunday School every Sunday this quarter so they get the most from this study of Bible doctrine. Tell the students next week we will learn more about God.
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