November 10, 2019 – Hebrews 10:38 – 11:40

Lesson Date: November 10, 2019

Focal Scripture Passage: Hebrews 10:38 – 11:40

AIM: To lead students to discover the definition of faith, examine some examples of faith, and realize that God has given them something far better; and to confess their lack of faith and ask the Lord to deepen their faith so they can be good examples to others.


Before class: Read the notes on Hebrews 10:38 – 11:40 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Look online and print some information about some sports halls of fame (such as the Pro Football Hall of Fame, the National Baseball Hall of Fame, the College Football Hall of Fame, the NASCAR Hall of Fame, or the Basketball Hall of Fame). Write the following questions on the marker board or chalkboard: “Who Do You Admire or Look Up To?” and “What is Faith?” Be prepared to give your answer to the first question.


INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct the class’ attention to the first question on the board. Read it aloud and name someone you admire. Ask volunteers to tell who they look up to. Tell the students we often try to pattern our lives after those we deeply admire.

Show the students some of the information you have brought about various sports halls of fame located around the country. Tell the class that at the end of every sports season certain exceptional players are named “All-American, “All-Star,” or “All-Conference” players. Ask: “Why are athletes inducted into a hall of fame or otherwise named as an outstanding player?” (to honor that player for his or her achievement). Ask: “Is there any benefit to others when an athlete is so honored?” (their achievement and notoriety may serve as role models to inspire younger athletes to do their very best).

Tell the class in today’s lesson they will find the answer to the second question on the board. They will also learn about some “role models” of faithfulness.



  1. Review.
    • Tell the students we are nearing the end of our study of the book of Hebrews.
    • Ask: “What is the main theme of the book of Hebrews?” (the superiority of Jesus Christ).
    • Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (our new privileges and responsibilities as Christians and how to stay right with God).
    • Ask if any volunteers would recite last week’s memory verse (Heb. 10:25).
  2. The Necessity of Faith.
    • Tell the class today’s lesson may be divided into four sections. The first is in Hebrews 10:38-39.
    • Erase the board and write: “(1) The Necessity of Faith.
    • Ask a volunteer to read Hebrews 10:38-39.
    • Explain that the word just refers to those who are saved – those who have been justified by God.
    • Ask: “Why is faith necessary for a believer?” (because we are commanded to live by faith).
    • Stress that “The just shall live by faith” is a command, not an option.
    • Remind the class that faith is a gift from God (Eph. 2:8).
    • Tell them that those who do not have faith are counterfeit believers who “draw back unto perdition” (hell).
    • Summarize: Those who have been saved by faith are commanded to live by faith.
  3. The Definition of Faith.
    • Ask a volunteer to read Hebrews 11:1-3.
    • Write the following on the board: “(2) The Definition of Faith.
    • Ask: “How does the Bible define faith?” (believing in things you cannot see with your eyes).
    • Tell the students that everyone – even unsaved people – believe in things they cannot see (electricity and germs are two examples).
    • Ask: “According to verse 2, what did the elders receive because of their faith?” (a good report – a good testimony, God’s approval).
    • Ask: “According to verse 3, what truth do we understand by faith?” (that God created the universe out of nothing).
    • Explain that believing in creation takes faith, but so does believing in evolution. The difference is that the One who told us He created the universe cannot lie (Titus 1:2) and everything He has ever said has proven to be true.
    • Tell the class faith teaches us that God made the universe out of nothing. The evolutionists have never really explained the origin of matter.
    • Summarize: Faith is believing in things we cannot see. Through faith we understand that God created everything out of nothing.
  4. Examples of Faith.
    • Tell the class the majority of this chapter is devoted to God’s “hall of fame” of His faithful followers. These people set examples of faithfulness, so they were honored by God to be included in this listing. They also serve as role models for us, inspiring us to be more faithful to God.
    • Write “(3) Examples of Faith” on the board.
    • Read Hebrews 11:4-5.
    • Ask the class how Abel and Enoch demonstrated faith.
    • Ask a volunteer to read Hebrews 11:6.
    • Ask: “What is it impossible to do without faith?” (please God).
    • Ask: “What two things must we believe?” (that God exists and He rewards those who diligently seek Him).
    • Continue reading Hebrews 11:7-38.
    • After reading about each individual, ask the class what that person’s faith led him or her to do (this is a very familiar chapter – don’t spend too long on this section).
    • NOTE: The modern Pentecostal movement has brainwashed many people into thinking if they have enough faith in God they will never suffer hardships or setbacks.
      • Emphasize the fact that faith does not always free God’s people from suffering.
      • This chapter clearly states that some escaped fire and sword (v. 34), while others perished (v. 37), but ALL of them were faithful to Almighty God.
    • Summarize: There are many examples of faithful followers of God that we can emulate. We should follow their example of faith, regardless of our circumstances.
  5. God Has Something Even Better for Us.
    • Write “(4) God Has Something Even Better for Us” on the board
    • Ask a volunteer to read Hebrews 11:39-40.
    • Ask: “What did all the people named in chapter 11 obtain?” (a good report – a good track record or testimony).
    • Ask: “What did they NOT receive?” (the promise – they did not live to see the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise to send a Redeemer into the world to save men from their sins).
    • Remind the class that the persons listed in this chapter were the superstars, the “hall-of-famers” of faith.
    • Ask: “In the physical realm, superstars and hall-of-famers are considered better than everyone else, but what has God given us that is better than what faith’s superstars experienced?” (salvation by grace through faith in Jesus, our sins covered by the blood of Christ, God’s Holy Spirit living in our heart, and His complete revelation of Himself in the Bible).
    • Tell the class that the Old Testament saints looked forward in faith to those things, but they did not experience them during their life on earth.
    • Summarize: God has provided something better for us than the Old Testament saints experienced. We should be thankful that we live on this side of the cross.


PERSONAL APPLICATION: Review the four sections of the lesson by reading the four headings you wrote on the board. The people described in this chapter were great heroes of the faith, but they did not have the blood of Jesus Christ covering their sins, the Holy Spirit of God living in their hearts, or the Bible in their hands. As Christians, we have all three of those things. Moses, Abraham, and the others were great, but we are far better off.

Ask: “Are you a person of faith? When difficulties and challenges come your way, do you face them with faith?” Just as Peter failed to identify with Jesus Christ when he was challenged to do so, at some time or another we have all failed to exercise the faith God has given us.

Stress the fact that faith is best demonstrated in difficult times. When everything is “smooth sailing” it doesn’t take a lot of faith to follow God, but when hard times come we must rely on faith to get through. When we go through difficulties with faith, God gets the glory.

Encourage everyone to confess their lack of faith and ask the Lord to deepen their faith so they can be good examples to others. The God who strengthened the faith of Moses and Noah can do the same for us. Lead a closing prayer.


CONCLUSION: Ask everyone to memorize Hebrews 11:1 and 6. Encourage them to look for opportunities to exercise their faith this week.

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