May 21, 2023 – Psalms 93; 108; 113
Lesson Date: May 21, 2023
Focal Scripture Passage: Psalms 93:1-5; 108:1-5; 113:1-9
AIM: To lead students to discover some reasons and ways to exalt God, and to encourage them to exalt the Lord in their daily lives.
Before class: Read the notes on Psalms 93; 108; and 113 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Write the following words on the marker board or chalkboard: “Honor,” “Idolize,” “Lift Up,” “Hold in High Regard,” “Glorify,” “Speak Highly Of,” “Follow,” and “Imitate.” Do some Internet searches to discover names of some of the most famous people in America, the most admired people in America, and people with the most social media followers.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Ask: “Who are some of the most popular and admired people in America?” Be prepared with some of the names you have discovered if students are slow to respond. Ask: “What have those people done to become so famous and popular?” After some specific answers are given, note that the most popular people in America today are movie stars, singers, and athletes.
Direct the students’ attention to the words written on the board. Ask: “Do these words or phrases describe the way many people think of the celebrities we have named?” (yes). Stress the fact that whether it is a favorite athlete, singer, or movie star, their fans and followers idolize them, speak highly of them, honor them, reward them with great riches, follow their activities or achievements, and even imitate them in their dress, words, and mannerisms.
Tell the class that all the words written on the board may be summed up with the word EXALT. Explain that the word EXALT may be defined as holding someone in high regard or elevating someone to a place of high honor. Tell them many Americans EXALT movie stars, singers, athletes, and other famous people.
Tell the students the title of today’s lesson is Exalt God. As we study Psalms 93, 108, and 113, we will discover reasons and ways the psalmist exalted God, and hopefully be encouraged to exalt Him, ourselves.
- Review.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (Sing to God, singing praises to the Lord).
- Ask: “Have you been singing praises to God this week?”
- Ask if any volunteer would recite last week’s memory verse (Ps. 98:4).
- Exalt God for His Sovereignty and Power.
- Ask everyone to turn to Psalm 93.
- Ask a volunteer to read Psalm 93:1-2.
- Note that the word reigneth appears in verse 1 and throne appears in verse 2.
- Ask: “What do those words reveal about the Lord?” (He is the sovereign king).
- Ask the class to identify words in verse 1 that glorify or lift up the Lord (reigneth, majesty, strength, and His creation is so great and enduring that it cannot be moved).
- Ask: “How long does the fame of today’s superstars last?” (a few weeks, years, or perhaps decades; a relatively short amount of time).
- Ask: “How long will God’s sovereign rule over the universe last?” (forever).
- Stress the fact that God deserves to be exalted more that the latest flash-in-the-pan athletes, singers, or movie stars.
- Read Psalm 93:3-5.
- Ask: “According to verse 3, what lifts up their voice to exalt God?” (the floods; in other words, the oceans and seas).
- Ask: “According to verse 4, what does God have more power than?” (the mighty waves of the sea).
- Tell the class to think of pictures they have seen of the destruction caused by tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and floods. These events are powerful enough to sweep away people, cars, houses, and entire neighborhoods, but God is more
- Ask: “According to verse 5, what is another reason we should exalt the Lord?” (He is holy).
- Summarize: Psalm 93 reveals that we should exalt the Lord because He is the sovereign ruler of the universe, and His power is limitless.
- Exalt God Publicly.
- Ask everyone to turn to Psalm 108.
- Read Psalm 108:1-2.
- Explain that the word fixed in verse 1 means to be settled, established, or firmly rooted.
- Ask: “On what was the psalmist’s heart fixed? What was he determined to do?” (sing praises and glorify God).
- Tell the class that verse 2 reminds us of the importance of using musical instruments in our songs of praise.
- Ask the students to listen for where the psalmist (David) said he would praise and exalt God as you read Psalm 108:3.
- Ask: “Where did he say he would praise God?” (among the people and among the nations).
- Explain the following:
- The people were David’s fellow Jews: those who believed in God like he did.
- The nations, however, refers to heathen people: those who do not believe in God.
- David was not ashamed to praise and exalt the Lord in the hearing of believers like himself or non-believers who rejected God.
- In both cases, his praise was public.
- Ask: “Do you praise and exalt the Lord publicly? Do you exalt Him when you are around lost people or just when you are among believing friends? What impact might it have if you praised God publicly, in the hearing of lost people?”
- Read Psalm 108:4-5.
- Ask: “According to verse 4, what two things about God are worthy of exalting?” (His mercy and His truth).
- Ask: “According to verse 5, how highly should He be exalted?” (above the heavens and the earth).
- Tell the class that some people today worship and glorify the earth, but God is the Creator who deserves far more glory than the world He created.
- Summarize: Psalm 108 teaches that we should exalt the Lord publicly: in the hearing of both believers and non-believers.
- Exalt God Forever and Everywhere.
- Ask a volunteer to read Psalm 113:1-5.
- Ask: “According to verse 1, who should praise the Lord?” (His servants).
- Ask: “According to that same verse, what should we praise?” (the name of the Lord).
- Explain that the Hebrew word translated blessed in verse 2 literally means to bend the knee; it suggests kneeling in a reverential greeting.
- Ask: “How long should we bless, praise, and exalt the name of the Lord?” (forever).
- Ask: “According to verse 3, where should the Lord’s name be praised and lifted up?” (everywhere).
- Explain the following:
- In the Old Testament, the Lord was known by His personal Hebrew name, Yahweh (or Jehovah).
- In the New Testament we know Him as Jesus.
- The name of Jesus Christ should be praised everywhere.
- Ask: “Is the name of Jesus widely praised and exalted in America today?” (no).
- Explain the following:
- Most people today lift up the names of famous athletes, singers, or movie stars.
- One reason we are called to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ is so that lost people can be saved and join us in exalting Him as Lord.
- Ask: “What do verses 4-5 reveal about how exalted God is?” (He is higher than the nations and the heavens; He is unlike everyone else; He dwells in a highly exalted place).
- Ask: “Do famous people today (movie stars, athletes, singers) care very much about the personal needs of their fans?” (no).
- Ask: “Can fans easily get to them or do they stay in seclusion?” (they stay in seclusion, isolated from their fans).
- Tell the students that God is NOT like modern celebrities.
- Read Psalm 113:6-9.
- Ask: “What do these verses reveal about God’s concern for His people?” (even though He is highly exalted, He humbles Himself to watch what’s going on in His created universe; He cares about the poor and needy; He cares about barren women).
- Tell the class that God is highly exalted; but unlike modern celebrities, He cares about and helps His people.
- Summarize: Psalm 113 tells us that we should exalt the Lord forever and everywhere.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Review the lesson by telling the students the following:
- Psalm 93 teaches that we should exalt the Lord for His sovereignty and power.
- Psalm 108 reveals that we should exalt the Lord publicly: in the hearing of both saved people and lost people.
- Psalm 113 teaches that we should exalt the Lord forever and everywhere; there is no place or time where He should not be exalted.
Direct everyone’s attention once again to the words written on the board, all of which may be summed up in the word exalt.
Remind the students that many people in our modern world exalt and idolize popular personalities such as singers, athletes, or movie stars. They follow their activities, watch their performances, give money to them (by purchasing tickets and merchandise), and even try to imitate them in their dress and words. Another word that could be used for their attitude is worship. Tell the class the Bible warns us not to worship and serve “the creature more than the Creator” (Rom. 1:25).
Ask: “What about you? Do you idolize and exalt any human being? Is God highly exalted in your life? Do you lift up His name in front of others, even lost people?”
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Tell them if they are exalting, honoring, or lifting up any human superstar they need to confess that as the sin of idol worship and turn away from it. Urge them to do that right now. Tell them to take a moment right now to exalt and lift up the Lord in silent prayer. After a few moments, voice a closing prayer exalting God.
(Option if time permits: Ask the students to publicly express exaltation and praise to the Lord.)
CONCLUSION: Ask everyone to memorize Psalm 113:4. Encourage them to praise God all the time, both in private and in public. This will remind them of God’s greatness and tell others how great He is. Give everyone a copy of the new Sunday School Member Quarterly. Our Survey of Bible Doctrine study begins two weeks from today.
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