December 15, 2024 – Romans 10:9-21
Lesson Date: December 15, 2024
Focal Scripture Passage: Romans 10:9-21
AIM: To lead students to discover that salvation by faith is available to anyone through the witness of the Bible, and to encourage any who have never accepted Jesus to do so and those who already know Jesus to tell others.
Before class: Read the notes on Romans 10:9-21 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Bring a box wrapped like a Christmas gift to class.
INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Direct the students’ attention to the box wrapped like a Christmas gift. Ask: “Are you giving any Christmas gifts this year?” (allow time for responses). Ask: “What kinds of Christmas gifts are you giving?” (allow time for responses).
Tell the class that each Christmas gift represents an investment of our thought, time, energy, and money. Tell them that means each time we give a gift we are actually giving a part of ourselves, because the thought, time, energy, and money we invest in that gift can never be replaced.
Ask: “How would you feel if you purchased a gift for a loved one, but they refused to accept it?” (confused, hurt, rejected, unappreciated). Stress the fact that when we give a gift, we expect the person to whom we give it to accept it.
Read John 1:11-12 (which you also read last week). Remind the class that when Jesus came to earth, some people received Him as their Savior, while many others did not. Tell them the same is true today.
Tell the students that the title of today’s lesson is Accept the Savior. Tell them we will discover that through the witness of the Bible salvation by faith is available to anyone who will accept it.
- Review.
- Remind everyone that we are studying the New Testament book of Romans.
- Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (Don’t Reject The Savior; we discovered some reasons people reject Jesus as Savior and reasons everyone should accept Him).
- Ask if any volunteer would recite last week’s memory verse (Romans 10:13).
- Accept the Savior By Faith.
- Tell the students that we ended last week’s lesson with Romans 10:8, and we will begin with that same verse today.
- Read Romans 10:8.
- Remind the class that in verses 6-8 Paul was explaining to his readers that Christ is not far away or unattainable.
- Ask: “According to the end of verse 8, what was Paul preaching or proclaiming to them?” (the “word of faith”).
- Explain that the “word of faith” is described in the next verses.
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 10:9-11.
- Ask: “According to verse 9, what must a person do to be saved?” (confess Jesus with their mouth and believe in their heart that God has raised Him from the dead).
- Ask: “Are people saved simply by saying the right words; in other words, is a verbal confession ALL a person must do?” (no, they must first believe in their heart).
- Ask: “According to verse 10, where does belief occur?” (in the heart, one’s inmost being).
- Tell the class that belief in the heart results in confession with the mouth.
- Ask: “What does verse 11 promise?” (whoever believes in Jesus will not be ashamed; Isaiah 28:16; Rom. 9:33).
- Explain the following:
- The key word in verses 9-11 is believe.
- Believe (or believeth) appears in each of those verses.
- These verses echo the words of Jesus recorded in John 3:16, when He said, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
- To believe means to have faith.
- Summarize: The only way to accept the Savior is by faith. Genuine belief in the heart results in verbal confession that Jesus Christ is Lord.
- Anyone Can Accept the Savior.
- Read Romans 10:11-13.
- Ask: “According to verse 11, who will not be ashamed?” (whoever believes in Jesus).
- Tell the class that promise applies to anyone who truly believes in Jesus.
- Ask: “According to verse 12, are Jews and Gentiles saved in different ways?” (no).
- Remind the students that everyone on earth is either a Jew or a Gentile; there is no third category of people.
- Ask: “According to the last part of verse 12, upon whom does God bestow His riches?” (anyone who sincerely calls on Him).
- Ask: “According to verse 13, what happens to anyone who sincerely calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus?” (they will be saved).
- Explain the following:
- Verse 11 says whoever believes in Jesus will not be ashamed.
- Verse 12 says the Lord is rich to all who call upon Him.
- Verse 13 says whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
- Ask: “Do these verses give any limitations or exclusivity concerning who can believe in or call on the Lord?” (no).
- Summarize: There are no ethnic, religious, social, or economic limitations about who can be saved. Anyone who truly believes in Jesus can accept the Savior.
- Tell Others How to Accept the Savior.
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 10:14-15.
- Ask: “Verse 13 says anyone who calls on the Lord will be saved; but according to the first part of verse 14, what must happen before a person can call on the Lord?” (they must believe).
- Remind the class that verse 10 says belief (faith) comes before verbal confession of Jesus.
- Ask: “According to verse 14, what must happen before a person can believe in Jesus?” (they must hear about Jesus).
- Ask: “According to the last part of verse 14, what is needed for people to hear about Jesus?” (someone must preach, teach, or tell them).
- Explain that the word preach is not limited to vocational preachers or pastors; anyone who knows Jesus can and should tell others about Him.
- Ask: “According to verse 15, what is required for someone to preach or spread the Gospel?” (they must be sent).
- Ask: “Do you think that applies only to pastors and missionaries? Why or why not?” (Jesus has commissioned or sent all of us to tell others about Him; Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15; John 20:21; Acts 1:8).
- Tell the class the rest of verse 15 is a quotation of Isaiah 52:7, concerning the beauty and blessedness of those who proclaim the Good News.
- Ask a volunteer to read Romans 10:16-17.
- Ask: “According to verse 16, does everyone who hears the Gospel believe and accept the Savior?” (no; Paul quoted Isa. 53:1 to prove this fact).
- Ask: “How does verse 17 say faith comes?” (by hearing the Word of God).
- Stress the fact that we want to get unsaved people to attend Sunday School and Worship so they can hear the Word of God, believe in Jesus, and be saved.
- Summarize: Those who know Jesus have a responsibility to tell others how they can accept the Savior.
- Some Will Not Accept the Savior.
- Read Romans 10:18-21.
- Ask: “Verse 17 says faith comes by hearing the Word of God, but what question do we find at the beginning of verse 18?” (Haven’t they all heard?).
- Explain the following:
- The rest of verse 18 is quoted from Psalm 19:3-4, which says God has revealed Himself to everyone on earth through general revelation (Rom. 1:19-20).
- In verse 19, Paul quoted Deuteronomy 32:21, reminding his readers that God told the Israelites He would provoke them to anger and jealousy by calling Gentiles to Himself.
- In verse 20, Paul quoted Isaiah 65:1, which says God would be found by those who didn’t search for Him and manifest Himself to those who didn’t ask for Him (Gentiles).
- Verse 21 is quoted from Isaiah 65:2.
- Ask: “According to verse 21, what did God say to Israel?” (He was continually stretching forth His hands to them, calling them to come to Him).
- Ask: “How did he describe His people (Israel)?” (He said they were disobedient, defiant, rebellious, and stubborn).
- Tell the students that people must accept the Savior by faith, salvation is available to anyone regardless of ethnicity or nationality, and we must tell others how they can be saved; but we must also realize that some people refuse to accept Jesus as their Savior.
- Summarize: Anyone can accept Jesus by faith through the truths of the Word of God and the witness of God’s people, but some people simply will not accept the Savior.
PERSONAL APPLICATION: Remind the students that the title of today’s lesson is Accept the Savior.
Ask: “How do people accept the Savior?” (by faith).
Ask: “Who can accept the Savior?” (anyone who truly believes and calls on the name of the Lord).
Ask: “Why should we tell people what the Bible says about how to accept the Savior?” (because they can’t call on Jesus for salvation if they don’t know about Him).
Ask: “Will everyone we tell believe in Jesus and be saved?” (no, some will reject Him).
Read John 1:11-12 once again.
Ask: “Have you accepted the Savior by faith?” Remind them than salvation is available to anyone who believes in Jesus. Tell the students if any of them have never accepted Christ they should turn from their sins and place their faith in Jesus Christ now.
Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Ask any who have never accepted the Savior to do so right now. Ask: “Do you know someone that needs to hear about how to be saved by trusting in Jesus?” Allow a moment for silent prayer, and then voice a closing prayer.
CONCLUSION: Offer to stay after class to speak with any who have just accepted the Savior or have questions about salvation. Ask everyone to memorize Romans 10:14. Tell them at Christmas people are more open to talking about Jesus than any other time of the year. Urge everyone to tell others about the gift of salvation available through faith in Jesus Christ.
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