October 15, 2017 – Bible Doctrine # 7 – Man and His Problem with Sin

Survey of Bible Doctrine, Week 7 – Man and His Problem with Sin


I.      The Origin and Nature of Man

  • Man was created by God – Genesis 1:26; 2:7-8
  • Man was made in the image of God – Genesis 1:26-27; James 3:9
  • Man is different from all other creatures
    1. Man is to have dominion over all other creatures – Genesis 1:28-31
    2. Man marries, but the other creatures do not – Genesis 2:18-25
  • Man’s life is more valuable than the lives of animals – Genesis 9:1-6

II.    The Fall of Man

  • The fall is a historical event – Genesis 3:1-8
  • Through the fall, sin entered the human race (original sin) – Genesis 3:9-21
  • Because of the fall, all humanity is under sin’s condemnation – Romans 5:12
  • Because of the fall, human beings need a Savior – Romans 6:23

Lesson Date: October 15, 2017

Focal Scripture Passage: Genesis 1:26-31; 2:7-8, 18-25; 3:1-21; 9:1-6; Romans 5:12; 6:23; James 3:9

AIM: To lead students to a better understanding of the origin and nature of man emphasizing the fact that all humans are born under sin’s condemnation, and to thank God for providing mankind with a Savior.


Before class: Get enough copies of the lesson outline handout for your anticipated attendance.


INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Ask those students who are parents if their children were ever disobedient, selfish, or lied to someone (yes, they certainly did). If the students in your class are young or unmarried, ask them if they ever did these things when they were children (again the answer will be yes).

Once it is agreed that all children have done bad things at times, ask those who are parents: “When did you teach your children to do those wrong things?” (they did not: being sinful and disobedient comes naturally). For younger students, ask: “When did your parents teach you to do those wrong things?” (they did not: being sinful and disobedient comes naturally).

Tell the class no one teaches a child to be disobedient, stubborn, selfish, or to lie. Children do those things naturally because it is their nature to misbehave. Sin, disobedience, rebellion, and lying come natural for all human beings. Today’s lesson will help us understand why we have a natural tendency toward doing evil.


HEART OF THE LESSON (Central Truth):

  1. Review.
    • Remind the students that this quarter we are studying a “Survey of Bible Doctrine.”
    • Using the lesson titles found on page 3 of the Sunday School Member Quarterly, briefly review the first five lessons of the study.
    • Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (the person and work of the Holy Spirit).
    • Ask if any volunteer would be willing to recite last week’s memory verse (1 Cor. 6:19).
    • Give each student a copy of the lesson outline handout for today’s lesson.
  2. The Origin and Nature of Man.
    • Tell the class deep inside, humans have a desire to know “Where did we come from?”
      • Down through the centuries scientists and philosophers have proposed many different ideas about the origin of man.
      • Current ideas focus on the theory of evolution.
      • This theory is an attempt by mankind to deny the existence of God.
      • Belief in evolution – that something can come from nothing and then progress from a simple organism to a complex creature – requires a great leap of unfounded faith and complicated mental gymnastics.
    • Men may make up their self-centered theories, but as for the people of God, we will stick with the truth recorded in the Bible.
      • If God is who He says He is, then His Word is true and the account contained in the Bible of the creation is not up for debate or argument.
      • The Bible tells us God created everything that exists, including man.
    • Tell the class chapter 2 of Genesis describes the creation of mankind.
    • Ask a volunteer to read Genesis 2:7-8.
    • Ask: “What raw material did God use to create man?” (the dust of the earth).
    • Tell the class God did one thing to man that He did not do to any other creature.
    • Ask: “What was that one unique thing?” (He breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life, causing man to become a living soul).
    • Read Genesis 1:26-27.
    • Ask a volunteer to read James 3:9.
    • Ask: “In whose image and likeness did God make man?” (His own).
    • Tell the class man is unique in all of creation because he was created in God’s image and God made him a living soul.
  3. Man is Different from All other Creatures
    • Dominion.
      • Many people today think man is no different or more important than any of the “other animals.”
      • Tell the class God created man as the last and crowning element of His creation.
      • Read Genesis 1:28-31.
      • Ask: “How is man supposed to relate to the rest of God’s creation?” (he is to have dominion over all of the earth and its creatures).
      • Ask: “What did God think of his greatest creation, man?” (He thought it was very good).
      • Summarize: Man is different from all other created things because man is to have dominion over all the other creatures.
    • Marriage.
      • Read Genesis 2:18-25.
      • Man needed a suitable helper and companion.
      • This passage tells about the creation of woman, the institution of marriage, and the place God prepared as a home for Adam and Eve.
      • Explain that man and woman are to be joined together in a sacred, permanent, and intimate relationship. This is not true of any of the animals.
      • Summarize: Man is different from the animals in that he marries.
      • Note: When people involve themselves in sex outside of marriage they are behaving like mere animals.
    • Man’s Life has more Value.
      • Ask a volunteer to read Genesis 9:1-6.
      • God again told man that he was to have dominion over all the animals.
      • Ask: “What did God say the animals would provide for man?” (food).
      • Note: There is no biblical basis for vegetarianism (see 1 Tim. 4:1-5).
      • Ask: “What did God say should happen to any man or animal that kills a human being?” (he or she should be put to death).
      • Summarize: Man is different from the animals in that God placed a death sentence on anyone who murders a human being. God places very high value on human life.
  4. The Fall of Man.
    • Ask: “What was the one prohibition placed on Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?” (they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil).
    • Tell the class that Genesis 3:1-8 describes the fall of man. Ask a volunteer to read those verses.
    • Briefly lecture on those verses using the following outline:
      • The devil (through the serpent) tempted Eve by first causing her to doubt the truth of God’s Word. That is still a primary tactic of the devil today.
      • The devil (who aspired to be God – see Isaiah 14:12-14) told Eve if she ate the fruit she would be like God.
      • Eve saw that the fruit was (1) good for food, (2) beautiful to look at, and (3) desirable to make one wise.
      • Eve took the forbidden fruit and ate it. She then gave some to Adam, who also ate it.
      • Adam and Eve realized they were sinners and because of this they were ashamed. They tried to cover their nakedness and hide from God.
    • Read Genesis 3:9-13.
    • Tell the class God questioned Adam and Eve about what they had done. Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent.
    • Note: It is human nature to blame others for our sin and disobedience.
    • Ask a volunteer to read Genesis 3:14-19.
    • Because of man’s sin, God cursed the serpent, the woman, the man, and even the earth.
    • Read Genesis 3:20-21.
    • Ask: “What did God do to cover their nakedness?” (He killed an innocent animal to make clothing from its skin).
    • Explain that because of sin, blood had to be shed. An innocent animal died so the shame of man’s sin could be temporarily covered up.
    • Sin would not be permanently dealt with until the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. The innocent Savior died to pay the price for our sin permanently.
  5. Results of the Fall.
    • Tell the class the fall of man was an historical event, which caused all mankind to be born with a fallen, sin nature. Since all of humankind is under sin’s condemnation, we need a Savior.
    • Romans 5:12 tells about this. Read that verse.
    • Ask: “By whom did sin enter the world?” (Adam).
    • Ask: “What is man’s problem?” (all have sinned and are under penalty of death – Romans 3:23).
    • The Bible says even as sin entered the world by one man, grace, righteousness, and justification have entered the world by one
    • Ask: “Who is that man?” (Jesus Christ).
    • Explain that sin entered the world through Adam’s sin, so that all mankind is lost and in need of a Savior. Jesus came as that Savior. Through Christ grace and justification are made available to all who want them.
    • Read Romans 6:23.


PERSONAL APPLICATION: Explain that God created man in His own image and for fellowship with Him. The first man (Adam) sinned, causing the entire human race to be born under sin. Psalm 51:5 says: “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” This doctrine is called original sin. That’s what’s wrong with our world. Because all people are sinners by nature and sinners by choice, we need a Savior to pay the price for our sins. The Savior had to be sinless. Jesus Christ is that Savior.

This scriptural truth should cause us to (a) thank God for providing a Savior to rescue us from our helpless condition, and (b) remember that every person on the face of the earth without Jesus is lost and doomed to Hell. Encourage any who don’t know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to trust Him for salvation right now.

We should leave this class with gratitude for Jesus and a compelling desire to tell others about Jesus. Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Tell the students to silently express their thanks to God for sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior. Also, ask them if God has placed on their heart the name of some lost person they know. If so, ask them to pray for that person every day this week and then to invite that person to come with them to Sunday School next week so they can learn about God’s plan and method for man’s salvation.


CONCLUSION: Tell the class that since next week’s lesson is about “God’s Plan and Method for Man’s Salvation,” we ought to try to get everyone we possibly can to attend Sunday School next Sunday so they can learn about how to be saved. Urge them to invite lost friends, family members, and class prospects to come to Sunday School next week.

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