February 11, 2018 – 2 Timothy 2:1-26

Lesson Date: February 11, 2018

Focal Scripture Passage: 2 Timothy 2:1-26

AIM: To lead students to identify and discuss five things Christians should do to stay focused on serving the Lord, and to commit themselves to doing those five things this week.


Before class: Read the notes on 2 Timothy 2:1-26 found in the Sunday School Teacher Book. Locate a picture of an American soldier in full combat gear. If you choose to use the group discussion option described below, copy step 3 of this lesson plan and cut the five group assignments apart. Write “Follow Instructions to Stay Focused” on the marker board or chalkboard.


INTRODUCTION (Create Learning Readiness): Show the picture of the American soldier in full combat gear to the class. Ask: “What must combat soldiers do in order to survive and accomplish their missions?” (they must be very alert or focused and they must follow instructions). If any of your students have military experience, ask them if this assessment is correct. Tell the class that any soldier in a combat situation can be killed, but those who are not alert or focused and those who don’t follow instructions are much more likely to be killed or fail their brothers in arms.

Read the phrase “Follow Instructions to Stay Focused” written on the board. Tell the class that losing focus in any area of life can be disastrous. For example, if we don’t focus on the road we may have an accident; if we don’t focus on our tasks we may fail at work and lose our job; if medical or emergency personnel don’t focus on their work someone may lose their life.

Remind the class that the Apostle Paul was in prison awaiting execution when he wrote this letter to Timothy. Christianity was not popular and persecution was common when this letter was written. In 2 Timothy 2, Paul told Timothy five things to do in order to stay focused on serving the Lord. Tell the students today we will discover and discuss these five things.



  1. Review.
    • Remind the students that we are studying the New Testament book of 2 Timothy.
    • Ask: “What was last week’s lesson about?” (things we should remember when facing hardships or trials).
    • Ask if any volunteer would be willing to recite last week’s memory verse (2 Tim. 1:7).
  2. Stay Focused.
    • Read 2 Timothy 2:1.
    • Ask: “What did Paul tell Timothy?” (to be strong in the grace of the Lord Jesus).
    • Explain that this literally means, “Continue being empowered by the grace of Jesus.”
    • Another way we might say this is: “Stay focused on serving the Lord.”
    • Tell the class that in the remainder of this chapter Paul gave Timothy instructions to follow in order to stay focused on serving the Lord.
  3. Five Things We Must Do to Stay Focused on Serving the Lord.
    • If you choose to use group work to teach the lesson, then divide the class into five groups and give each group one of the following assignments.
    • If you choose not to use groups, then lead the class through each of the five assignments.
    • Group One:
      • Read 2 Timothy 2:2.
      • In that verse Paul told Timothy to teach others.
      • Your group should read that verse to the class and answer the following questions.
      • Where did Timothy learn Christian doctrine?
      • What did Paul tell him to do with the things he had learned?
      • What were the people Timothy taught supposed to do?
      • How does teaching God’s truths to others keep us focused on serving the Lord?
      • Number 1: In order to stay focused on serving the Lord we must teach others.
    • Group Two:
      • Read 2 Timothy 2:3-10.
      • In those verses Paul told Timothy to endure hardships.
      • Your group should read those verses to the class and answer the following questions.
      • In what ways do soldiers endure hardships?
      • In what ways do athletes endure hardships?
      • In what ways do farmers endure hardships?
      • According to verses 8-10, who were two examples of enduring hardships?
      • How does enduring hardships keep us focused on the Lord?
      • Number 2: In order to stay focused on serving the Lord we must endure hardships.
    • Group Three:
      • 2 Timothy 2:11-13.
      • In those verses Paul told Timothy to look forward to rewards.
      • Your group should read those verses to the class and answer the following questions.
      • If we are dead with Christ what reward will we receive?
      • If we suffer for Christ what reward will we receive?
      • What will happen if we deny Christ?
      • If we are unfaithful to Christ, will that change Him?
      • How does looking forward to rewards keep us focused on serving the Lord?
      • Number 3: In order to stay focused on serving the Lord we must look forward to the rewards He has promised us.
    • Group Four:
      • Read 2 Timothy 2:14-18.
      • In those verses Paul told Timothy to study God’s Word, not the words of men.
      • Your group should read those verses to the class and answer the following questions.
      • What should we NOT strive about or argue about?
      • What should we study?
      • Why should we do that?
      • What should we avoid?
      • What does false, empty teaching do?
      • How does studying God’s Word keep us focused on serving the Lord?
      • Number 4: In order to stay focused on serving the Lord we must study God’s Word, not the words of men.
    • Group Five:
      • Read 2 Timothy 2:19-26.
      • In those verses Paul told Timothy to remain pure and gentle.
      • Your group should read those verses to the class and answer the following questions.
      • What should those who claim to be Christians do?
      • How can we be vessels of honor?
      • What are some things we should flee from and avoid?
      • What should we follow after or pursue?
      • How should we deal with those who oppose us and the things of God?
      • How does remaining pure and gentle keep us focused on serving the Lord?
      • Number 5: In order to stay focused on serving the Lord we must remain pure and gentle.


PERSONAL APPLICATION: Review the five things Paul told Timothy in this chapter. Direct the students’ attention to the phrase “Follow Instructions to Stay Focused” written on the board. Hold up the picture of the soldier once again. Tell the class that a soldier in combat must follow instructions and stay alert and focused in order to do his job and have a chance of coming home alive. Those who train soldiers are sometimes very harsh, but their goal is to teach those soldiers to obey so they can survive and accomplish their mission.

Tell the class that Christians are involved in warfare, too. The devil hates us and wants to destroy us. The world is often hostile to us. We are in a dangerous war zone, just like soldiers on foreign soil. Our enemy is not always easy to spot and he often makes surprise attacks on us. In order to survive and thrive we must follow instructions and stay focused on serving the Lord.

Ask: “Is there some area in which you have let down your guard? Are you teaching others? Are you enduring hardships for the Lord? Are you aware that God will reward your faithfulness? Do you pay more attention to the Words of God than the opinions of men? Are you keeping yourself pure so the Lord can use you?”

Ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes. Ask them to personally confess their shortcomings in any of these five areas and make a fresh commitment to God. Urge them to follow God’s instructions so they can stay focused on serving the Lord. After a moment of silent prayer time for members to talk to God, voice a closing prayer.


CONCLUSION: Ask everyone to memorize 2 Timothy 2:15. Tell them to study the Bible every day and look for opportunities to teach others. Urge them to flee from evil and to follow righteousness.

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